Sunday 12 June 2011

Tukang Masak Tailong - Berita Minggu

With reference to Berita Minggu dated on 12th June 2011

Topic:  Tukang Masak jadi Tailong

This topic really intrigue me.. not that I am condemning or anything of that sort..just that this is written based on my personal thoughts and views on it.. (If u cant handle it, then deal with it!) Ok.. here goes....

Wedding, especially Malay weddings, are perfect combination of a lot of things... like for example, typically to have a wedding, u must have catering for the food, "pelamin" for the bride and groom, bridal services, wedding deco and all those whatever nots... These usually will cost up to a mininum of $10,000. So guys, how long do u save to have that money? And to throw it like that on a one day wedding?? And we are not talking lavish wedding.. This amount, from what I understand, is only to cover the minimum of what was stated aboved.. So for those who wanted a more lavish wedding of a lifetime, so they say, well.. of course more $$$ will be thrown off the betting table.

Ok lets talk about $10,000 for a wedding... now how many guys within the age of 20 to 30,out there can earn this money in a month? A month? not a year... mind u! Come on, give me the maths.. relatively an estimate of 5%?? Now ladies, what are the chances u might get this 5% of men who own thick wallets or deep pockets where they can easily throw $10,000 for a normal wedding? let say.. 2%!!! There u go.. see where I am going??

What I am saying, girls.. be realistic! Even if your parents are the one who is pestering u to have a lavish wedding, do u have the heart to see your husband-to-be work their ass off just to be married to you? We live a materialistic world, yes.. everyone knows that!! We live in a world where we are force to be practical on the things/issue we decide on... such as lavish wedding, rental of Maserati for a wedding car, a wedding deco that cost $5000.. (oh my Gucci!!! WTH!!) or perhaps allow any form injection funds from parents... ok.. this part I'm a lil skeptical about it..

I believed parents CPF output should be used for their retirement and not to "sponsor" for their child's wedding expenses. Then again, if its the parent that insist, what can we say? Nonetheless, u being adult should know better to appreciate your parents for that.. I recalled an article written by this journalist few years ago in Berita Minggu, whereby, parents went bankrupt after paying all the wedding expenses for their child whild the newly wed happily went for a luxurious honeymoon in Europe..

Ok...that could only mean 2 things : either the parents that wants that kinda luxury wedding or its the child that took advantage of their parents kindness.. As much as it sound bad, this is what that has been happening in the malay community.. Yeah, the truth hurts..Deal with it!

Then there is this trend of couples who are willing to pay five figure amount for a wedding photoshoot overseas..its fine if u can afford it but then remember the percentile of couple who are financially-abled... but what about those copy-cats? Come on, admit it!! The world is full of copy cats.. if Petaling Street can copy an authentic LV, what about humans? They just love to copy everyone else.. just like when one financially-abled couple are paying a five figure sum for a wedding photoshoot overseas, others are copying the same things whether or not they can afford it or not, its secondary! Funny isnt it? Its seems originality is ceased to exist soon to come.. :)

Then there is this issue of wedding caterers not getting paid.. Well from my own personal perspective, dont mean to be mean but I think they deserve it.. (Tamak sangat jadi orang!) These caterers are making money on weddings, encouraging the more pax the better.. for example.. the cost of 500 pax is $9500 and the cost for 1000pax is $11000. A difference of $1500 for half the number of pax. of course it sound nuts to me in the first place and when I questioned why is it price that way with small marginal difference, their respond, "cause we work the same number of hours be it 500 pax or 1000 pax!" Simpletons! Lamers!! Simple to put, the more pax u take in, the more profit they gain! Its that simple! Ever heard this phrase that states , "melayu singapura memang tak maju dalam business!" yeah spot on!!

I always believe what goes around comes around.. so there u see... in order for u to gain profit in business, u price it so high that it exceed other's budget and in the end, u lost ur profits cause ur customers cant pay u.. Sorry to say this, but it seems to me.. "sama-sama bodoh".. customers who cant afford wishes a luxurious wedding and wedding businesses lost their money cause customers cant pay..some even have to keep coming back to thei customers for their due payments... a.k.a. part time tailong..  hmmm.. i'd say... the world is indeed Round for a reason! :)

My sincere apologies on this sensitive write-ups but I wish to highlight the importance of affordibility and managing expectations  when comes to matters like wedding for example.

i'll write more soon...

till then, take care all..

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