Saturday 4 June 2011

Be Nice ya...

 Nice Being nice:

Always be nice to people in order for others to be nice to you.. that, to me, is of course Rule No 1. Nonetheless, not many people would understand this simple teory. Its that simple. Dont do things that u wont want others to do to u.. :)

Simple Scenario:

When u are required to wait for your seat in a popular restaurant for more than 20mins. Do u straightaway jump at the staff or do u ask the staff politely what is going on that u have been waiting for quite some time? Well its obvious what typical Singaporeans would do.. They jump. They kinda love jumping around especially when they know they are holding a Pink NRIC.

Being Singaporean myself, not that I have never jump before, I did.. (I'd be lying if I say I didnt do such thing.. I may not be a Singaporean..hahaha) then again, it set me thinking.. why do I need to do this? Its not something nice and its not like the staff is being rude to me or whatsoever.. And I do not wish to be labelled like those ugly singaporeans who thinks money can buy anything! Knowing what I wont want others to do to me, I changed my ways and I keep telling myself, I am not associated with those ugly singaporeans.. which is why now, I rather wait patiently in my queue or ask things nicely the first time.. Jump only when the service crew or staff is rude to u, obviously rude, u know.. get what I mean.. cause I am not saying that all service staffs are nice.. there are some "ridiculous" ones. I think thats fair enough..being human..

Then again,  I shook my head whenever I see some people jump at the slightest thing which I dont think its worth making noise for.. I figured they kinda looking forward to aging.. no wonder Singapore is popular with these anti-aging cream. LOL...

I believe its just a simple rule.. If u ask nicely and politely, there might be chance that u get your way.. however u do the Singapore-style, then u can keep waiting for that chance! Cause that is not the case when u are stepping on a foreign land. :)


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