Sunday 19 June 2011

I love Pasta

Pasta.. I love it a lot!!! Wish I could have it everyday in my life.. I used to go to Pastamania for my pasta-nigh..with my hubby ( at that time, boyfriend! ) We would try all kinds of dish but my favourite remains on Prawn Aglio.. Actually my husband is the one that tried that dish and I ended up lovin it.. I would order that almost everytime I dine in at Pastamania.

I was so glad that Pastamania come up with this member card that gives 15% off pasta and all other food and drinks. All the more reason for me to dine at Pastamania..

Soon after, few months before my wedding, I stopped going to Pastamania... (mainly cause I was too busy with the wedding preparation)... Even now, thanks to NOOBCOOK.COM, I know how to cook pasta, I still do missed Prawn Aglio from Pastamania.

Life has kept me so occupy with things that now I hardly have the time to for my pastamaniac dinner....

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