Wednesday 22 June 2011

MacDonalds free Coke Glass.

Lunch was good.. Had a meal at MacDonald today.. Guess what? It was super crowded with people.. Yeah u guess right.. Its all because every thurday is the day they changed the colour of the free Coke glass.. They have like 5 different colour if I am not mistaken, and u will get it free when u purchased an upsized extra value meal at MacDonalds.

I am not really into collecting the free glasses, even though I know they made pretty nice collectables. Then again, not every Singaporeans share the same thoughts as me and seeing the queue at MacDonalds today just proved that "Kiasuism" still lingers in Singapore.. I guess it wont die eh..

MacDonalds should find a way to control crowds and when times like this, I find it quite inconvenient to have my lunch or meals @ MacDonalds.. ***Sighsss*****

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