Thursday 2 June 2011


Of course, being Singaporeans, I believed many of you have heard or come across this site STOMP. Its a site that blogs in all kinds of happenings in Singapore.. such as Singapore Seen. I dont really know what STOMP means but by all means if u happened to come across this site, u will definitely be entertained with all the topics, blogs and the best for me is what was being commented on every post. Obviously that shows how one minds differ from the other. Some are liberal and conservative comments that will set u smiling while reading it.

In most times, I find it entertaining! Well, generally because, some of the comments are ridiculously comical! However there are good ones.. like those who "liberalised" the conservative native.. hahahaha.. I'm guessing as we speak now, there might "stompers" who is now posting some "hot" issue on this site.. One that is very common is about couple kissing on void decks, or couples making out in public, then there is this one maid that makes out in public with her Bangladeshi boyfriend. The weird thing is she shoved aside this grandmother who is wheel-chaired bound while she make out with her boyfriend..hmmm.. a lil too disturbing for those who engaged foreign domestic helpers ya??

All in all, I personally think this site is meant for entertainment.. plus of course those hot news that came in way earlier than other media itself.

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