Saturday 4 June 2011

Biometric Scan in JB

I was on my way to JB last weekend when there was a slight delay in the traffic flow @ JB custom. I was wondering what took them so longer.. it was a lil different than usual. Then when its our turn to stamp our passport, the staff at the custom counter checked through our passports and took our fingerprint scan. Then we were let go.. It was like less than 5 minutes.. But the week after, my friend went in to JB too and this time it was a massive jam at the motorcycle section. According to my friend, although there were massive jam, the queue was moving rather slowly.. Thats better than not moving at all right..

Well as usual, long queue isnt a thing to be happy about for motorist in Malaysia, particularly, JB, so of course u will hear a symphony of ochestra while in the queue.

Apparently my friend and I were not the only one who suffered this jam.. STOMP also has its fair share of "feedback" about this massive jam..

Then again, its not like everyday there is a massive jam in JB custom.. So I can still bear with it. I believe once their system is up and running smoothly, things will much better @ JB custom.. There is no need to complaint. As to whether they need which finger to scan or why others need to scan while others are not require to, its a no biggie issue to "feedback" about..

Below are the extracted note from STOMP website..

STOMPer Chuck also shares her thoughts:

"I recently went to Malaysia by bus and was surprised to find that the biometric system had been implemented at the Malaysian checkpoint.

"The new system holds up the queue as the process takes longer. People have to first scan their fingers before waiting for a sticker to be printed and pasted in their passport.

"People are also unsure of what to do as it is a new system, so this adds to the waiting time.

"I also think that certain people might have trouble with the machine.

"For example, my mother's fingerprints could not be read by the machine because there is a scar on her finger.

"The process was also inconsistent. When my friend and I entered Malaysia, I had my fingers scanned, but she was not required to do so.

"However, when we left Malaysia, I was not required to scan my fingers but she was!"

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