Monday 11 April 2011

When I can cook!

Seriously I cant believe what I am about to write.. well these are things that change after going through of one day of wedding.. yes.. my wedding, mind u and now its called Marriage.. Yes there are changes.. and one of the bigger changes I am going through now is.. Cooking!!

I was labelled as "Domestically Disabled" by my girlfriends.. They always say, when I cook, I'd burn the entire kitchen! Yeah right.. well gurls.. its time to eat back those words!!! lol.. I am so gonna savour this moment!!

I never really cook a dish way back then... most of the cooking is done by my beloved mom!! In short, I hardly cook.. and i kinda enjoy it that way.. why should I cook when I get it downstairs? Or perhaps walk a lil bit to get myself to the nearest food store.. or what do u call that place? was it Kopitiam.. oh hell.. ya something like that.. u know.

I recalled this movie, "Ratatouille" where they have this saying, "Anyone can cook!" hahahaha.. (I love that movie by the those food, even though cooked by a RAT!!)

It was an "auto" thingy for me... it feels good to see your hubby eating what u cooked for him.. be it if there is a compliment or not, it feels good to see him eat the food u cooked for him.. the feeling is just so satisfying.. well for a start, my first dish was Fried Rice.. ( Nasi Goreng Kampung/ Nasi Goreng Ikan Bilis ) served with hot nuggets as side dish.. and top it off with juice drink.. (any would do!! Thankfully..he didnt ask for any specific juice) Desserts would be definitely ICE CREAM!! I am still learning to do the frapped though..

Well its gonna be a long cooking journey for me.. and I am so ready to burn those throats who dare to say i'm domestically disabled!! Watcha!!!!

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