Monday 25 April 2011

Metro Expo Sale

Metro Expo Sale

Location: Singapore Expo Hall 5
29th April 2011 - 02nd May 2011

Hmmm.. when I saw this ad, I am not too sure to be excited about this sale.. They have this kinda sale like almost every month, it seems.. Of course its a sale worth going to.. compare when u buy things off the shelves during normal days.. Usually I go for those health supplements and chocolates..I love getting those chocolates.. not really a chocolate lovers but what I normally do is when I buy this chocolates, I put it together with my ice cream and it makes a nice dessert after meal.. or perhaps when watching my favourite shows on TV.

Compared between The John Little Sale, Metro sale and Robinsons Sale, I would say I'd go for Robinsons sale then Metro Sale.. John Little doesnt really appeal to me that much.. I guess I will go if hubby and I have no plans for this weekend.. Hmmm.. tick tock tick tock.. time is counting down to weekend!! Yeay!!! Another long weekend!!!

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