Monday 4 April 2011

The Pantry

Ok.. Pantry.. everyone, well generally those who are working in the office environment, surely knows what the pantry is for.. Need me to define? OK here goes...

"A pantry is a room where food, provisions or dishes are stored and served in an ancillary capacity to the kitchen. The derivation of the word is from the same source as the Old French term paneterie; that is from pain, the French form of the Latin panis for bread." -

Thats pantry.. Now I didnt see anywhere in that line that says Pantry is meant for people to shout out loud of their presence.. As annoying as it sound, I had to go through today during lunch.. Some people are just full of shit!! While others are sitting quietly eating their food, came a whole bunch of idiots walked in and start some "grocery market-scene" They speaked so loud that I wonder if they are born deaf-mute, that they cant and there is a need to shout when they communicate with each other.. The noise and the sight just disgust me.. To think that they are educated people and they behave like monkeys for that one hour break! And worst thing still, they are freaking old idiots.. who pays senior citizen rates I believed.. and some looked like they have kids that can tell them how to behave properly in a civilised manner.

Well, there I was having lunch quietly with my packed sandwich and reading up my book and seriously when these idiots walked in, they just turn off my reading button mode!

Gosh!!! That was unpleasant sight..

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