Sunday 17 April 2011

Trip to the Zoo..

16th April 2011
Zoo trip with Zizah

It was a beautiful Saturday morning.. weather was fine.. not too sunny.. perfect for a trip down to the Singapore Zoo. Tickets was fully sponsored by my beloved sis.. I have always thought that the zoo is a boring place.. but I was totally wrong about it.

Of all the animals in the zoo, I spent the longest time at the white tiger zone. Many crowd the area to see the white tiger, that once create a buzz in the front page of the news.  Never knew the white tiger is so big.. Its even bigger than the lions.. Gosh.. now I sound like a small kid.. who just got back from the zoo..

What fascinate me about these tigers was the size.. its like two times bigger than a normal tiger. Some say, these white tiger are abnormal. Whatever it is, it still looks like a tiger to me.. :)
The trip was Cool!! We managed to cover every part of it.. managed to see most of the animals there. (More pics will be uploaded soon.. )

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