Thursday 14 April 2011

Prawn Aglio Olio

I have always love PASTA!! My favourite would be Prawn Aglio Olio from Pastamania, though I  have tried many other pasta from other restaurants, this one from Pastamania just stands out in my taste bud. I just love the combination of prawn with aglio olio.. I love it better with penne unlike majority that votes for Linguine or spagetti.. My husband ever told me to learn to cook this dish rather we have to go out and search for Pastamania (which is only available at certain locations).. but to me , at that time, I just didnt see the reason too. The fact that Pastamania is available in it kinda walking distance for me.. unfortunately they arent available where I stayed now.. sadly..

So out with my "cooking gear-mood", I search for this aglio olio recipe.. Thanks to you are genius!! Everyone I asked before, all told me the same thing like.. "oh thats easy!" but I end up with nothing.. not even a recipe on it.. So thanks to Noobcook.. I love you!! Thank u for being my saviour to my prawn aglio olio cravings..

It was kinda easy.. but I am not leaving without saying how to.. google for there u will find many recipes full equipped with how to and what nots! Seriously encouraging!!

The first time I cooked this dish was just yesterday night for dinner. Cooked for just one dish for my dear hubby.. Thank God, he likes it.. Thanks Noobcook!!

(p/s: I have the picture in my phone.. will upload it soon..look out for it!!)

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