Thursday 7 April 2011

Russian Earl Grey Black Tea

Russian Earl Grey Black Tea  - Lipton

I bought this box of Earl Grey few days ago and seriously I have no ideas on how tasty this tea will be...It was pretty much a gamble anyway.. My husband thinks I'm gonna flood the entire house with Tea.. well, basically I'm more of a tea-drinker.. never takes coffee.. not only it stains my teeth, I hate the smell of coffee lingering me and my clothes.. plus, coffee contains more caffeine contents compared to Tea.

Anyway I checked out this tea from Lipton and it turned out pretty nice.. I feel that its one of the better ones among Lipton series of tea, honestly. Its only $4++ per box and I really love the taste.. with a touch of lemon + bergamot, its no doubt I look forward to my afternoon tea!

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