Thursday 17 March 2011

To my 2 Gorgeous gals..

To my dearest Rene & Dyan,

U are my best gals who have been with me throughout..

Thanks for all those wonderful times and I hope u cherish the good times we once had.. the crazy things we used to do, the nonsensical talks we used to bitch about.. And Rene, I think U have successfully evolved to a hot and beautiful wife to Reez.. Dyan...keep waiting for your Mr no.. u are waiting for your Mr Wrong right? (*wink wink*)

I love you both.. Just so u know that no matter how far u gals are, U all will always be in my mind.. our friendship is not a perfect picture to put it as a whole but we have grown up wiser together in fostering good relationship between one another..

Dyan, I know u are leaving soon.. but please please please remember to wake up on the right bed every morning.. Bluekksss!! ROFL

Best Friends
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