Sunday 13 March 2011

IT Show 2011 - Suntec City Singapore

IT show is here again for few days. Held @ Suntec City starting from 10th March to 13th March.Well, what do u expect? everyone seems to be on their way down to Sun City Convention Centre to witness the crowd, the sale, the slashing down of prices, and whatever-what-nots!

Hubby and I went down to look for the new Fujitsu laptop with this Backlight LED feature in built to it.. Saw one and it was pretty attractive..well, so does the price tag.. quiet reasonable.. Other than those eletronic gadgets that attracts buyers to this city centre. the crowd appear rather too eccentric.. the entire hall was chaotic with people offering bargains from every corner.. trying to sound louder than the other.. the crowd was "kiasu" enough not to let others passed them.. Oh gosh.. some was even far off worst.. when u walk in a crowd, dont expect the crowd to walk 5 inches away from your bare skin.. If u do not wish people to "accidentally" touch u, then dont come to this sale!!! Some Singaporeans are just full of NONSENSE and some were just full of themselves.. isnt that annoying??

Overall, it is still the same event every single year.. selling the same kind of things with the very same scenario where people will bargain to the very max.. Its time of the year, to some people, is bye bye $$$!! We saw a number of crowd pulling their 42 inch LED TV out of the fair. The way I looked at it.. Times must be very good for Singaporeans to be spending on eletronic products... Printers, LED TV and laptop is among the HOT items this year for this IT show..

Ask me?? Nah I didnt get to purchase anything.. Thanks to the crowd!! Anyway its ok.. for me.. its just about spending time with my beloved hubby . . . . 


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