Sunday 13 March 2011

Quakes in Japan 11/03/2011

When I open my internet browser last friday, Google prompt this "TSUNAMI ALERT!" for Japan, Australia, Indonesia and few others.. my jaw dropped and I was like.. "Tsunami???Quakes!!" The first word that calm me down and came to my mind was.. Subhanallah. May God protect us.. even though my location is way off Japan.. still God is Great.. we dont know fer sure... God is Almighty.. only He knows..

The recent quake in Japan was one of the biggest that happened in the last 100 years ago.. It destroyed homes, fishing port, and anything that came in front of it.. More than 300 are confirmed dead.. and the numbers are rising as we speak.. or blog..(as what I am doing right now)
Damage caused by the 8.9 magnitude earthquake in Japan. This massive earthquake has triggered a tsunami that struck the coastal areas of Japan. Many were still missing. About eighty percent of the flights are cancelled to and from of Japan.. People are spend the night at the airport, anxious to get back home to their families.

Pictures are coutesy of BBC news and ref to:

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