Tuesday 1 March 2011

Its been a month.

Its been a month since we got married.. So far everything is cool and still going great..not like I am expecting any kind of bad omens.. just that I feel more at ease, having our own quiet time and privacy together... I enjoyed doing chores and running errands with him.. I guess that what people meant when they say, Marriage is a 50-50 partnership.. hmmm... worth a thought eh?

Anyway, life still goes on for us.. we still need to work...earn money... for a good-damn-holiday thingy... oh ya sorry next goal is our house.. hmmm.. I wonder how is it gonna be like..Having our own home.. having to do everything on our own..

I kinda miss Lombok.. the healthy diet I had there, the people made me so comfortable, the serenity of the place.. waking up to a bright and fresh beautiful morning.. I missed the "Pagi Mbak.." from the people of Lombok.. their faces shows sincerity in their heart.. I missed the fresh air, tresuring every breath I took, knowing I could never get this back here in SG.. I missed the greenery of Lombok.. almost everything in Lombok..

All in all, marriage life is beautiful.. I never say its perfect cause marriage is not about laughter and smile every single day.. there are bound to be glitches here and there but its all about accepting and adapting..

Thank you hubby for making life a beautiful one for me and you..

Love you always..

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