Thursday 1 September 2011

Loooking arrrooound...

Looking around for cheaper holidays around Asia region.. well I am thinking more of Bangkok ( for shopping ) and perhaps Bali or Bandung ( for rest & relax ).. then again, there is always a second chance of Lombok (who knows ...wink wink)  Then there is Krabi, Phuket.. gosh.. there is just too many to choose from..

Flight deals arent really a deal as it offers nothing less than $200 for return tickets.. ( yes its kinda pricey considering that one of beloved friend went for Bangkok return airfares for $80!! yes!! $80!!!) And thats just flights.. well I'm not really into taking up those package deals from travel agency.. I have always thought that they do include some mark up prices that u arent aware of.. I will only get from them considering that its a new place I have never been to..

Got some hotel rates in Bangkok and Krabi... but yet to confirm any flights.. haizz..

Anyone come across any flight deals, can email me @
Appreciate ur kindness..

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