Thursday 1 September 2011

Learning Recipe

Learning a new recipe is like learning a new subject.. Everything sounded so foreign.. The ingredients, the ways to cook it is soooooo... I dont know.. I cant really relate that.. or perhaps I'm having a mental constipation this morning. I was searching for this chicken soup recipe via Google and gosh, there were so many of them yet none seems boggle the mind! Duh!! Or was it because its Friday? I dont know..

Nonetheless, I will persue this chicken soup recipe.. (No matter how and what it taste like.. I know I will get feedback.. be it positive or negative..all are simply welcome! :) )

Looking at this recipe, something else came to mind.. I wonder how some women can be those stay home mom.. Like my mom for instance.. how could she remembers all those ingredients (she is the sort who will cook different kinda dish everyday..well thats because she cooks for everyone at home) all those methods and all those.. God knows! Its amazing!

Oh I am talking about those who cooks damn well.. not those who choose to be a stay home wife or mom and yet does nothing! Hmmm.. is there any of those kind? Perhaps there are.. Thats where the term Tai-Tai comes in place.. lol..

Anyway, seems like a good friday so far!! ..hopefully it remains this way!! :)

Adios - Qunci Rinjani

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