Thursday 1 September 2011

Braun Buffel

I have always love this brand.. way since 10 years ago..(gosh that made me feel so old.. considering im 29 years of age this it goes all the way back since I was 19!!)

Got my first Braun Buffel wallet for my 19th Birthday from one of my friends.. cant really remember who.. (probably one of those which is long not kept in touch) But I still have it til now.. Coincidently, my husband did bought me a set of wallet and handbag from Braun Buffel during our courting days!! It was gorgeous.. The thing I like about Braun Buffel is the fact that the quality of this product is lasting..(I meant it last a long time.. Imagine that I still have the ones that I own 10 years ago and its still in good working condition)

They have very classic designs that make its even better and not to wear off on all seasons! Thanks to my husband spending on Braun Buffel products, he also got himself this Braun Buffel membership card that entitles us to 15% discount off retail price from its own boutique. Great deal isnt it?

So far, Braun Buffel has yet to disappoint us in terms of quality and standards. They meet every service standards when dealing with customers. Professional staffs to assist u at their very own boutique. Being compare to other similar brands, like for example, Renoma, Toscano or many others, Braun Buffel stands out in every factors contributing to its everlasting quality standards.

Seriously I love their products. :-)

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