Monday 1 August 2011


Well.. well well.. Ramadhan is here and I love the fact it falls on August 1st this year.. (easier in counting!!) I love Ramadhan.. for a number of reasons actually.. Just like Christmas, people all over the world would spent their money buying toys or gifts for one another.. businesses also took part in this festive season.. they started to throw big sales or special promotions that u will never get throughout the whole year.. So for the Muslim, its Ramadhan..the Holy month.. is the time people come together helping the less fortunate. Unlike christmas, people exhange gifts but for the Muslims, we give and expect nothing back.. Its all about giving.. and only God will bless u with returns u can never imagine.. it gets more meaningful when giving comes with sincerity. People would spent more time praying, doing more good and indulge themselves in charity work or whatever that does more good to people..

Sadly, I only see this to those living in a Muslim dominated community and not in Singapore.. yes I would not say there is none but the numbers are decreasing as we speak.. Instead of embracing the Ramadhan with dignity and peace, some malays would go around starting businesses. Like for instance the Bazaar in Geylang.. I hate those Bazaar.. u wanna know why? These bazaar are the very reason people or youngsters forgot what Ramadhan actually means. Rather than doing something good or praying at home or at the mosque, they will all end up sashaying in Bazaar Geylang, walking aimlessly and the worst part, they have nothing to find there.. nothing to buy! OMG!! Well they contribute to the minimize space area for those who would actually came down to do their shopping.. And those who set up shops or stall in these bazaar are only there to squeeze ur pocket.. Think about this, this is the only time they can make their way to ur wallets without even having to try it.

This Ramadhan is the first time between me and hubby was wonderful.. even though we both missed those single days where we would go back to our respective homes and dine with our family.. yet we know.. we are on our way to build our own we know we gotta do this.. i am thankful that things went pretty well..hopefully it remains that way..

I believe the coming days are gonna be much better!! :)

TTFN - Qunci Rinjani

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