Monday 7 February 2011

Lombok : Day One

Lombok Day One:

We reached Selaparang Airport, Lombok via SilkAir MI128 around 6.30pm. The airport was the smallest airport I ever saw.. but what impressed was the greenery Lombok has.. I never thought we could visit Lombok.. I always thought its gonna be Bali.. but u know what I never regret it wasnt Bali as my honeymoon destination.. cause I love Lombok more than Bali.. I love everything there... I will tell u why as we go on in this blog about Lombok.. Cleanliness was another key factor about this island. As I alight from the plane, I breathe the fresh air of Lombok.. so untouched by modenisation of city.. its very rural and quite primitive I can say, looking by the way how life runs there..

Ok... as I went to the airport to get my passport stamped, I realised a significant of its people.. they look so well-built and healthy.. they dont have that "island-look-a-like" kinda people.. u know like the ones in Bali.. they looked pretty scrawny.. thin and dark... their faces shows the skeletons of the facial features unlike the people in Bali.. They look... more like the Malays in Singapore.. the difference is.. they (the guys mainly.. look so much better than the Malay guys in Singapore.. (whoops sorry guys but its the truth.. u guys dint stand a chance against them) Seriously, the guys there will make u look u wish u be born in Lombok instead of SG... hahahaha...

Having someone waiting for us outside the airport was someone from Bidy Tours called Abang Ariff. A man in his early forties greeted us with warm pleasure made us so welcome in this beautiful island. He and his driver drove us to Qunci Villa and there, we were greeted with darkness at 7.30pm???? seriously it gets dark at 7pm..infact when we arrived at around 6.30pm, it was like "Magrib" in SG..

So Welcome to Qunci Villa.... Room Number: Qumbara!! One bedroom with own private Pool!!! (*wink wink*)

Checking to Qunci was a breeze.. we were greeted by the friendly conciege... with a warm welcome.. Served with a cold lemongrass drink and wet towel... we were escorted to our room and I was "wow-ed" when I saw where I will spending my time during the stay... As i made my way to the bathroom... I got a shocked ..shocked by the fact that it ROOFLESS!!! Means...I am bathing naked at night... with an actual coconut trees just on top of my head.. nonetheless, it was relaxing..really... just that it took me a while to adjust to it..

After settling down, we went to grab dinner.. at the hotel restaurant... u know I can never forget the serenity of the place.. it was peaceful!!! Again we were greeted by the friendly staffs of Qunci.. they were extremely welcoming.. their faces beamed with smiles..happy and sincere smiles that made my day throughout..

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