Saturday 19 February 2011

No strings attached

No String Attached
starring Ashton Kutcher & Natalie Portman

It was our first movie after we got married. Watched on 18th February 2011 at 9.30pm located at GV Grand ( Great World City ). Unlike many other movies that we have watched together, I normally would pre-book the tickets online. This time I purchased it over the counter as I left early from work to get the tickets. When I met my hubby later on, we had dinner and I handed him the tickets to him.. This is the funny part that I will never forget.. He lost the tickets just before the movie started.. eeeeeeeeeeeeeksssss!!!! I got freaked out.. thankfully the cashier at the counter managed to reprint a copy of the tickets for us.. hmmmm...

The movie was extremely entertaining after a day work.. especially since its a friday.. its the best time to end the week with a good and funny show.. read on the plot.. but better still is to catch it while its still on teaters. U will definitely enjoyed the movie.. Though its a predictable plot yet for those in love or not believing in love as yet, its still worth to watch.. I rate it 3.5 out of 5 stars..

p/s: Ashton says ," oh we are just sex strings (stutter) nothing serious going on.. " and his neighbour went on saying, " I dont believe it.. "

Emma (Natalie Portman) and Adam (Ashton Kutcher) are two friends who keep bumping into each other after years apart from each other. Emma and Adam meet again through their mutual friend Patrice, when Emma is a resident in a local hospital and Adam is the assistant on a Glee-type show, with aspirations of becoming a script writer. Adam takes down Emma’s phone number, but forgets to call her. Six months later, Adam becomes distraught, when his eccentric father (Kevin Kline), who used to be the star of a TV show called “Great Scott” is having a relationship with his ex-girlfriend Vanessa. Determined to ‘get back on the wagon’, Adam starts calling every woman in his cell phone. The next day, he wakes up after a drunken night to find out that he text-messaged Emma and came to the home she shares with some other residents, including Patrice. Emma leads Adam to her bedroom to retrieve his pants, when the two of them wind up having sex.

Because Emma doesn’t believe in love – she believes that ‘no two people were meant to be together forever’ – Emma proposes that they have casual sex with each other, setting some ground rules for each other to prevent their relationship from becoming too serious. At first things go well, but then Adam starts becoming jealous of the possibility of Emma being with another doctor, Sam. Although denying that he is jealous, Adam starts presenting her with gifts, which she rebuffs. Adam becomes more distraught when his father asks him to dinner with Vanessa on Adam’s birthday, where they announce that they’re planning on having a baby together. Emma, who accompanied Adam to the dinner, berates the couple while defending Adam. Adam eventually convinces her to go out with him on a date on Valentine’s Day. Things come to a head when Emma starts becoming too uncomfortable about being on a date with Adam. Adam tells Emma that he loves her, but she grows angry, telling him he should go out with another woman who ‘isn’t going to hurt you’. Adam drops Emma off at her hospital and drives off.

Six weeks later, a spec script Adam had wrote for his show and submitted through Lucy, the production assistant on the show, is being filmed and Adam is set to get a writing job on the show. Emma, meanwhile, has become distraught at not being with Adam, which is compounded by her younger sister’s upcoming wedding the next day and her widowed mother arriving with a new boyfriend. Emma tries calling Adam, but Adam rebuffs her on the phone. Emma realizes she wants to be with him, and drives down to his home. Adam, however, arrives home with Lucy, whom Emma takes to be Adam’s new girlfriend. Emma tearfully starts driving back to the wedding. Before Adam and the production assistant can have sex, Adam is called by Vanessa – his father is in the hospital, having overdosed on cough syrup. Arriving at the hospital, Vanessa confesses that she doesn’t want to be with an older man, and dumps her dog off on Adam, who talks to his father and chastises him, but tells him he’ll call tomorrow. On the way out, Adam is called again by Emma. Adam angrily tells Emma that she needs to have the conversation she wants in person – which she does; Emma’s friend and resident Shira noticed Adam’s father arriving and called Emma. Adam and Emma eventually reconcile, and after a morning of eating breakfast together they go together to Emma’s sister’s wedding. Emma asks, “So, what’s next?” and Adam silently holds her hand.

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