Thursday 17 March 2011

To my 2 Gorgeous gals..

To my dearest Rene & Dyan,

U are my best gals who have been with me throughout..

Thanks for all those wonderful times and I hope u cherish the good times we once had.. the crazy things we used to do, the nonsensical talks we used to bitch about.. And Rene, I think U have successfully evolved to a hot and beautiful wife to Reez.. Dyan...keep waiting for your Mr no.. u are waiting for your Mr Wrong right? (*wink wink*)

I love you both.. Just so u know that no matter how far u gals are, U all will always be in my mind.. our friendship is not a perfect picture to put it as a whole but we have grown up wiser together in fostering good relationship between one another..

Dyan, I know u are leaving soon.. but please please please remember to wake up on the right bed every morning.. Bluekksss!! ROFL

Best Friends
Grab a Funny Picture from

Monday 14 March 2011

upin dan Ipin - I loike!!

I started watching Ipin dan Upin since the last 2 years.. when my husband keeps talking about how funny they was.. It all started when I first watched them via They were just so adorable.. I just love them and the way they speak and talk just makes your day.. I loike Ipin character the most.. he seems to be smarter than Upin, his elder brother.

Upin & Ipin is about this 2 village boys who grew up with their grandma, whom they called "Opah" and their fierce sister, Kak Ros, who loves them as much as Opah.. As notorious as they were, they never failed to amaze me with they things they say.. I think the person who create this show Upin & Ipin really managed to penetrate moral values and ideas thru all ages for the common understanding and inputting moral values in today world to the younger generation. Seriously, they are good!!!

I watched their movie, "Geng" and it was just as hilarious.. You can find them uploaded in youtube.. Be sure to look for the ones that was uploded from Les Copaque. ;) (*wink wink*)

Now that movie "Geng" has been out a few years already, I am anxiously waiting for the second one, "Angkasa" which is expected to be released on 2011..

Sunday 13 March 2011

Quakes in Japan 11/03/2011

When I open my internet browser last friday, Google prompt this "TSUNAMI ALERT!" for Japan, Australia, Indonesia and few others.. my jaw dropped and I was like.. "Tsunami???Quakes!!" The first word that calm me down and came to my mind was.. Subhanallah. May God protect us.. even though my location is way off Japan.. still God is Great.. we dont know fer sure... God is Almighty.. only He knows..

The recent quake in Japan was one of the biggest that happened in the last 100 years ago.. It destroyed homes, fishing port, and anything that came in front of it.. More than 300 are confirmed dead.. and the numbers are rising as we speak.. or blog..(as what I am doing right now)
Damage caused by the 8.9 magnitude earthquake in Japan. This massive earthquake has triggered a tsunami that struck the coastal areas of Japan. Many were still missing. About eighty percent of the flights are cancelled to and from of Japan.. People are spend the night at the airport, anxious to get back home to their families.

Pictures are coutesy of BBC news and ref to:

IT Show 2011 - Suntec City Singapore

IT show is here again for few days. Held @ Suntec City starting from 10th March to 13th March.Well, what do u expect? everyone seems to be on their way down to Sun City Convention Centre to witness the crowd, the sale, the slashing down of prices, and whatever-what-nots!

Hubby and I went down to look for the new Fujitsu laptop with this Backlight LED feature in built to it.. Saw one and it was pretty attractive..well, so does the price tag.. quiet reasonable.. Other than those eletronic gadgets that attracts buyers to this city centre. the crowd appear rather too eccentric.. the entire hall was chaotic with people offering bargains from every corner.. trying to sound louder than the other.. the crowd was "kiasu" enough not to let others passed them.. Oh gosh.. some was even far off worst.. when u walk in a crowd, dont expect the crowd to walk 5 inches away from your bare skin.. If u do not wish people to "accidentally" touch u, then dont come to this sale!!! Some Singaporeans are just full of NONSENSE and some were just full of themselves.. isnt that annoying??

Overall, it is still the same event every single year.. selling the same kind of things with the very same scenario where people will bargain to the very max.. Its time of the year, to some people, is bye bye $$$!! We saw a number of crowd pulling their 42 inch LED TV out of the fair. The way I looked at it.. Times must be very good for Singaporeans to be spending on eletronic products... Printers, LED TV and laptop is among the HOT items this year for this IT show..

Ask me?? Nah I didnt get to purchase anything.. Thanks to the crowd!! Anyway its ok.. for me.. its just about spending time with my beloved hubby . . . . 


Sunday 6 March 2011

Hello are u married?

There is no such thing as STUPID questions, ONLY stupid PEOPLE!

Back then people would asked me , "when are u getting married?" or "are u married?" .. NOW, being married, people keep asking me.. " so when is the baby coming?" and I was like.. "Harlow, I just got married for like a month!!" I wonder if that is the right thing to ask or the very first thing you should ask when u meet anyone.. Isnt it annoying? it does for me, the most!! And I would really appreciate if people stop asking these questions.. Its kinda ridiculous. . . .  its like a never-ending questions.. Duh!!

Saturday 5 March 2011

Saturday @ Downtown East

Its saturday again and we got this birthday invitation from my colleague.Its her baby 1st birthday party. Happy Birthday to Baby Reyes!! He is such a adorable baby..with his doreamon pullover, he is such a lovable baby..

Party was held in Xplorer Kids located at Downtown East. I never been to this Xplorer Kids but it turned out pretty well. Party starts at 6pm and we were there since 6.30pm. Dinner was buffet-like and the food spread was super-licious. I love the prawn fritters and chicken.. I cant really describe the dish cause I didnt really know the name of it but what I am sure of is my tummy approved it well. The birthday room was booked for 2 hours, but we were allowed to roam about the place..

They have this gigantic playground for kid and believe it or not, for adults as well.. It was fun.. we had fun literally... KK'S kid pulled us to the ground and started playing catching.. crawling in the small maze with other kids was a challenge.. Kids can just run about while adults had to crawl..we lost her a few times before we finally caught up with her.. and by that time, we were like... panting... and I just lay flat at the very top of the maze.. Hubby continues the journey and later end up playing with other kids as well.. Well, I just learnt that w/o being pregnant I can have a baby too.. a big one in fact.. hahahaha.. or should I say an overgrown baby boy.. LOL..

It was a fun weekend.. spenting time running around with these kids.. ;)

Friday 4 March 2011

Marriage Quotes

Got this in my email from a dear friend. Eventually got the link that came with it..
Love quote not only for newly weds but for those who is still deeply in love with each other for a long long time.. Hope it refreshes the mind and may love grows even deeper with sincerity..

1) "Marriage is popular because it combines the maximum of temptation with the maximum of opportunity."

2) "A happy man marries the girl he loves; a happier man loves the girl he

3) "I love being married. It's so great to find one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life."

4) "We are told that people stay in love because of chemistry, or because they remain intrigued with each other, because of many kindnesses, because of luck. But part of it has got to be forgiveness and gratefulness." - Ellen Goodman

5) "No man is truly married until he understands every word his wife is NOT saying."

6) "Do not marry a man to reform him. That is what reform schools are for." - Mae West

7) "A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, and always with the same person." - Mignon McLaughlin

Enlightening? ;)

Good day everyone~!!

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Its been a month.

Its been a month since we got married.. So far everything is cool and still going great..not like I am expecting any kind of bad omens.. just that I feel more at ease, having our own quiet time and privacy together... I enjoyed doing chores and running errands with him.. I guess that what people meant when they say, Marriage is a 50-50 partnership.. hmmm... worth a thought eh?

Anyway, life still goes on for us.. we still need to work...earn money... for a good-damn-holiday thingy... oh ya sorry next goal is our house.. hmmm.. I wonder how is it gonna be like..Having our own home.. having to do everything on our own..

I kinda miss Lombok.. the healthy diet I had there, the people made me so comfortable, the serenity of the place.. waking up to a bright and fresh beautiful morning.. I missed the "Pagi Mbak.." from the people of Lombok.. their faces shows sincerity in their heart.. I missed the fresh air, tresuring every breath I took, knowing I could never get this back here in SG.. I missed the greenery of Lombok.. almost everything in Lombok..

All in all, marriage life is beautiful.. I never say its perfect cause marriage is not about laughter and smile every single day.. there are bound to be glitches here and there but its all about accepting and adapting..

Thank you hubby for making life a beautiful one for me and you..

Love you always..

Hubby Jokes (Only for Women with Husband!!)

Worth reading it.. cause it just for laughss!!! LOL..
A husband is living proof
that a wife can take a joke !
A husband is someone who takes out the trash
and give the impression he just cleaned the whole house !!
Anyone looking for a husband obviously never had one !

Beware of dog….oh wait….that’s just my husband !
Do you want the man of the house
or the woman who knows everything?
Ex-Husband is the BEST husband !

Give your husband an inch and he’ll think he’s a ruler !

Hang on to your husband.
He might come back in fashion.
Husband and Dog missing…25 cent reward for dog.

Husband for Sale…remote included !
I got a cat for my husband. I think it was a fair trade.
I love a man with dishpan hands !
I miss my ex-husband…but my aim is getting better !
If a husband would treat his wife as though
she were a thoroughbred…
she’d never turn into an old nag!!!
If more husbands were self starters,
They’re wife wouldn’t have to be a crank !
If we can send one man to the moon…
why can’t we send them all !

I’m the boss of the house
and I have my wife’s permission to say so !!
Man is the king of his castle…but only until his queen comes home.

Men are idiots
and I married their KING !
My hubby says he is going to leave
if I keep spending so much time on the computer.
I am sure going to miss him!
My husband always says…I’m saving us into the poorhouse !!

My husband let’s me have all the craft supplies I can hide !!
My husband wears the pants in the family…
I just tell him which ones to wear !!
My husband’s the only kid in our house
that’ll never grow up
and will never leave the house.
My NEXT husband will be normal.
My wife and I have an agreement.
I don’t try to run her life
and I don’t try to run mine.
I usually wake up grumpy,
but sometimes I let him sleep in.
My husband said if I went shopping again,
he’d leave me.
WHY didn’t somebody tell me it was that easy !?!
The opinions expressed by the husband in this house
are not necessarily those of the management.
The perfect wife is one who doesn’t expect a perfect husband.


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