Sunday 3 July 2011


What a bugging Monday??

Dont u just hate it to wake up on Monday morning and go to work? Gosh.. I am so lagged!!!! I can fell asleep on my desk right now.. I guess thats why people called it Monday Blues.. hahaha...

Anyway I am away handling branch duties and quite honestly I can relax off a bit..

Weekend was quite busy for me.. Will be travelling this coming Thursday and will only be back on the coming Sunday so last weekend was kinda hectic for me cause I need to clear some things before I can focus on my coming trip..

And now I have like 3 working days to settle all my work load and on top of that I still have to conduct my tuitions in the evening.. Jam packed schedule eh!!!

Gosh I almost forgot I have to attend this movie premiere for Transformers @ The Cathay tomorrow.. Its those link with the youth thingy with NTUC.. Gosh there goes my evening.. hmmmm.... seriously I dont wish to go for it..

Whhoooppss.. here comes another batch of load... got to clear.. see ya.. Adios!!!

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