Tuesday 5 July 2011

Another day in July

Its been a while since I last wrote.. Well, I was pretty busy lately.. with loads of things.. Firstly, we have a new addition to the family..**Yippie**... My aunt just gave birth to a healthy baby boy.. His name : Iz Irian Shah... on 01/07/2011... Yes.. its another boy and its a blessing!!

I was down with fever yesterday.. caught a bit of flu from someone at home.. haizzz.. Thanks!!! One knowing they are sick yet they still come close to me... and I was like.. "goooooo awaaaaaay!!!" " I dont need your germs!!" Been feeding on supplements lately and quite honestly I feel slightly better..

Then I got two weeks rotation to handle another branch office away from HQ. ***Sigh*** another adapting!!! Work is a lil different when you are away from HQ.. Then again, its work.. yeah.. it sucks but that pays the bill at the end month.. so speed it up! Learn to like it and NOT love it..cause it really SuckS!!

Thank Goodness I will be away from tomorrow onwards for my own personal trip.. Didnt put up in Facebook though cause I hate those unwanted attention from others.. I get it.. at times posting things in Facebook does not make any sense!! U post something and people around the globe who is listed under your friends list will start asking question or throw some stupid and lame remarks.. its like thats the only thing they know in Facebook.. Commenting on other walls!! No offence but I get really annoyed when those insecure bastards starts to say something like.. "oh what happened dear?" or something maybe something like being sympathetic when u know they arent.. of course, there are a number (very very few) who were totally genuine about it..

Ok.. I think I stop here for now.. My loads of to-do list is piling up as we speak.. TTFN - Qunci Rinjani.. Laalalalalala...

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