Sunday 10 July 2011

Back for good

Hey..I'm back!!! Glad to be back.. after what I had to go through.. yeah..its good to be back.. Life and vacations were like best friends until that 9th July incident happened.

Ok.. I am not going beat around the bush.. I was away for a short getaway.. in KL.. Only this time I chose to stay somewhere different from where I am used to.. We took this brand new hotel located at Masjid Jamek called, Frenz Hotel, Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman. Really Brand New!! Like fresh from the oven.. Love the showers actually!! Hahaha.. For like SGD65 per night, I think it was ok.. I used to stay at Imipiana KLCC,or Royale Bintang @ Jalan Bukit Bintang.. but we wanted to be away from the city centre but not too far off.. Well, it ought to be a good choice until it became a hot spot for the "Bersih Rally"

Gosh.. I would be lying if I say I didnt freak out.. My husband said I was being paranoid.. well who wouldnt!! Firstly, I forgot to purchase my travel insurance ( with all the busy and hectic schedule we had, no wonder we could forgot these things ) Second, the rally was held on the day we are supposed to check out.. Thirdly, we have like the whole 12 hours outside (after checking out from thr hotel) before our returning time to Singapore..

I have one phrase though.. " I am so thankful to be born in Singapore" ... well the very least I wont see these riots on the streets of Singapore..for now I think.. and hopefully my homeland wont be like that.. It was so barbaric, unlawful, cold and bad.. everything was just bad!! Even the air smells bad! Seriosuly.. I wouldnt want to go through that again.. No.. Never.... and I pray Singapore will never be like that.. even with 4 differences in culutre, language and religion..

Well for more info about the rally, I have attached the link direct source from Bloomberg.

Well, we're home now.. and I never felt any better.. Knowing Singapore is a better place to be...

TTFN - Qunci Rinjani

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