Monday 31 January 2011

Cinta Rinjani...The Begining of the End.

People always say... Marriage is the END.. and I would response with that blank look... and answered them back, " then why the hell u got married?" There is no such thing as stupid question only stupid people.. I think only stupid people would project that kinda "live-uo-to-Marriage-is-the-end". Surprisingly it didnt only came from people who are married for like a decade or more, it even came from people/ couple who just got married.. the wonders of people!

Well.. Cinta Rinjani is a blog set by my husband and me.. and yes, we just tie a knot recently, early this year.. Alhamdunillah.. All praises to Allah who has brought us together in this holy matrimony (nikaah) and He has written a beautiful fate for the both of us.. 

Rinjani is taken from the word "Gunung Rinjani" an active volcano in Indonesia on the island of Lombok. It rises to 3,726 metres (12,224 ft), making it the second highest volcano in Indonesia, and similar in height to Mount Fuji, the third highest mountain of the Indonesian archipelago and the thirty ninth most prominent peak in the world. "Cinta" - a malay word for Love.. We went to Lombok for a beautiful honeymoon and thus we decide to name this blog, Cinta Rinjani... Love found in Rinjani..
Life has not always been a smooth sailing one.. u know like u need to go thru tunderstorms and heavy downpour to finally see a glimpse of the beautiful rainbow...yeah.. thats how life is and was for the both of us all these years, knowing and understanding each other.. every single day.. it didnt stop til marriage.. to some, Marriage is the end of bacherlorhood but its not the end to enjoying beautiful and wonderful memories together.. To us, its a lifelong learning journey together.. Its the Begining of a Beautiful Journey together with an End to Bachelorhood..

We are not affliliated with anyone or any company. Whatever is written and post on this blog is personally ours. Some pictures are purely.references.

----------------------------------CINTA RINJANI----------------------------------------------------------------2011

Sunday 30 January 2011

Special Thanks from Mr & Mrs

On 29th January 2011, we are now Officially Mr & Mrs...

First and foremost, Alhamdunillah and Syukur to Allah S.W.T for His will in writing this beautiful fate for us, his permission to let this wedding happened. Subhanallah..

Special thanks to

1) Kadi Sallim Jasman. U made it easy for Ayis. We would never be Mr & Mrs if not because of him.. Lets just say, he is the key to our wedding certificate. ;)

2) Kak Muliati from Merah Jambu bridal. Her excellence bridal services and wonderful assistance has made the day an exceptional one for us. Thank you for guiding us through and the priviledge of those gorgeous bridal outfits. She didnt "transform" me at all.. She just made me look ME that day.. seriously Gorgeous.. :p

3) Feez & Erline - U both really rawks our day.. Feez, ur pre-wedding and wedding shots were all excellence and way above average.. Thanks for the pictures.. we appreciate the time and efforts that has been put in to make this day a memorable one.. Erline, she was my second bridesmaid.. ( bride normally have one but I am so lucky to have two...) Thank u for ur concern and efforts in ensuring the day went on smoothly. And thank u for the guest book.. We love that too..

4) Ash - my beloved bro who has made everything possible.. running around ensuring things went on smoothly.. and most importantly, for being my witness for the solemnization. And of course for giving "life" to my guestbook.. ur deco ideas were creative and refreshing..

5) Both our parents - For their blessing to this marriage. We hope to aspire the life that u have gave us and hope we be just as great parent as you have been to us to our kids in future.

6) Dewi Masrina - Founder of Charmz Affairs. Thank you for your assistance and contribution to our wedding. Your ideas and suggestions have been taking into great consideration. Gubahan & wedding cake was specially designed and baked by Charmz Affairs Bakeshop.

7) Iskandar & Jamie - They are the naughty bestman and bridesmaid for the day. Thank you for assisting us and your timeless efforts put in for our wedding. We hope to see yours one day.. InsyaALLAH..

Despite the glitches here and there, the event went on smoothl.. Happy faces surrounds us and words just cant describe how happy we were on that day.. We would like to extend our sincere thanks to all those who have made this day possible and for your countless efforts in making it a smooth sailing one..

We would like to thank our guests for taking time to attend our event, your presence are greatly appreciated.

God Bless you all.. Insya Allah.


Lovely Bride of 29/01/2011

Saturday 29 January 2011

Journey starts on January 29th 2011

29th January 2011 marks a new BEGINING for the both of us.

Time @ 11am located @ wedding hall of a designated location, solemnization takes place between the groom and Kadi.. and the two lives jointly became one in the name of Marriage.

Marriage is a social union or legal contract between people that creates kinship. It is an institution in which interpersonal relationships, usually intimate and sexual, are acknowledged in a variety of ways, depending on the culture or subculture in which it is found. Such a union, often formalized via a wedding ceremony, may also be called matrimony.

In Islamic law (sharia) marriage is a legal bond between a man and a woman. Islam commends marriage, with the age of marriage being whenever the individuals feel ready, financially and emotionally.

Marriage has brought us closer to each other. Together we walk this journey together... as One... aging gracefully with happy faces around us..loving and treasuring every moment we spent til the very last breath we take..

The day is HERE!!!!!!

Its time!!!

29th January 2011 is here!!!! I am so excited.. so much planning and efforts has gone down to this day..

More pictures will be uploaded for personal viewing soon... Got to go now.. Its my day today and there is a show to catch..  *wink wink**!!!

Thursday 27 January 2011

My bridal Henna

My Bridal henna made from one of the stylist from Saheli Bridal. Chosen by none other than my best buddy, Dewi..

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Meaning of marriage

Its prep, prep... prep and more prep.. Oh not forgetting the Planning..

Takes months of planning, weeks of actions, days of preparations and it comes down to one day of the big event and it also draws down to few hours of final preparation and narrows down to one final moment, which is the Solemnization which actually takes about one mins of "Akad".. Hmmmm.. when I think about it.. the next word in  mind is ... TIRED!!

For a min of Akad Nikah, it takes months and months of planning, executing and finalised for one event, which people always say.. "once in a lifetime.." hmmmm true but not entirely true.. If every marriage is meant for a lifetime, then where does divorce come to picture? I think we need to be rational and practical when giving out phrases like the one aboved...

However, I do believe that fate is the best gift from GOD.. just like when fate decides who u marry to... its a gift.. it was said when 2 individuals exchange vows or tie a knot in a holy matrimony called Marriage means it happens with God's will.. we can choose to marry who we want but God determine who is it exactly to be.. it was all written in a book, called Fate.. ever wonder why u didnt end up with your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend or ex-fiances/fiancees? Cause it was not meant to be.. he/she was not the best person to be with.. do we know? NO, right? GOD knows.. which is why the person we end up getting married to is the best choice picked and written in the book of FATE, determine by God himself, Allahu Akbar.

Siti Nurhaliza wedding picture.
Comment: Honestly I really love her wedding pictures. She looked so radiant and gorgeous that day.. so what if others dont like her being married to Dato' K. Thats their fate and also their problem.. I just love and adore her looks and image.. She just made every reason for a girl to get married, of course to anyone they want to.. dont have to be some Dato'.. :p

Dato Muzaphar & Dr Halina wedding pictures.

I loike this as my second best apart from Siti Nurhaliza wedding pic.. Of course this is subject to personal preferences.. I like them... they looked as though they are made for each other. So perfect for each other.. Dont they? :)