Monday 31 January 2011

Cinta Rinjani...The Begining of the End.

People always say... Marriage is the END.. and I would response with that blank look... and answered them back, " then why the hell u got married?" There is no such thing as stupid question only stupid people.. I think only stupid people would project that kinda "live-uo-to-Marriage-is-the-end". Surprisingly it didnt only came from people who are married for like a decade or more, it even came from people/ couple who just got married.. the wonders of people!

Well.. Cinta Rinjani is a blog set by my husband and me.. and yes, we just tie a knot recently, early this year.. Alhamdunillah.. All praises to Allah who has brought us together in this holy matrimony (nikaah) and He has written a beautiful fate for the both of us.. 

Rinjani is taken from the word "Gunung Rinjani" an active volcano in Indonesia on the island of Lombok. It rises to 3,726 metres (12,224 ft), making it the second highest volcano in Indonesia, and similar in height to Mount Fuji, the third highest mountain of the Indonesian archipelago and the thirty ninth most prominent peak in the world. "Cinta" - a malay word for Love.. We went to Lombok for a beautiful honeymoon and thus we decide to name this blog, Cinta Rinjani... Love found in Rinjani..
Life has not always been a smooth sailing one.. u know like u need to go thru tunderstorms and heavy downpour to finally see a glimpse of the beautiful rainbow...yeah.. thats how life is and was for the both of us all these years, knowing and understanding each other.. every single day.. it didnt stop til marriage.. to some, Marriage is the end of bacherlorhood but its not the end to enjoying beautiful and wonderful memories together.. To us, its a lifelong learning journey together.. Its the Begining of a Beautiful Journey together with an End to Bachelorhood..

We are not affliliated with anyone or any company. Whatever is written and post on this blog is personally ours. Some pictures are purely.references.

----------------------------------CINTA RINJANI----------------------------------------------------------------2011

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