Tuesday 18 January 2011

Meaning of marriage

Its prep, prep... prep and more prep.. Oh not forgetting the Planning..

Takes months of planning, weeks of actions, days of preparations and it comes down to one day of the big event and it also draws down to few hours of final preparation and narrows down to one final moment, which is the Solemnization which actually takes about one mins of "Akad".. Hmmmm.. when I think about it.. the next word in  mind is ... TIRED!!

For a min of Akad Nikah, it takes months and months of planning, executing and finalised for one event, which people always say.. "once in a lifetime.." hmmmm true but not entirely true.. If every marriage is meant for a lifetime, then where does divorce come to picture? I think we need to be rational and practical when giving out phrases like the one aboved...

However, I do believe that fate is the best gift from GOD.. just like when fate decides who u marry to... its a gift.. it was said when 2 individuals exchange vows or tie a knot in a holy matrimony called Marriage means it happens with God's will.. we can choose to marry who we want but God determine who is it exactly to be.. it was all written in a book, called Fate.. ever wonder why u didnt end up with your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend or ex-fiances/fiancees? Cause it was not meant to be.. he/she was not the best person to be with.. do we know? NO, right? GOD knows.. which is why the person we end up getting married to is the best choice picked and written in the book of FATE, determine by God himself, Allahu Akbar.

Siti Nurhaliza wedding picture.
Comment: Honestly I really love her wedding pictures. She looked so radiant and gorgeous that day.. so what if others dont like her being married to Dato' K. Thats their fate and also their problem.. I just love and adore her looks and image.. She just made every reason for a girl to get married, of course to anyone they want to.. dont have to be some Dato'.. :p

Dato Muzaphar & Dr Halina wedding pictures.

I loike this as my second best apart from Siti Nurhaliza wedding pic.. Of course this is subject to personal preferences.. I like them... they looked as though they are made for each other. So perfect for each other.. Dont they? :)

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