Monday 17 December 2012

Lelaki Budiman

As usual, the morning train are always crowded with people, like me, going to work.. as I was playing this "Diner Dash" game on my mobile. Getting bored, I went to youtube app next.. There, I listened to this ceramah by Ustaz Kazim Elias. It was my first time listening to his "ceramah" and I'd really find it enlightening.
Topic: Aku Terima Nikahnya.
Somehow this kinda topis really is a pulling factor to my ears... Semacam ada yang sangat menarik dan mudah-mudahan, there is something good that we can learnt from such ceramah.
Then there is this conversation that Ustaz Kazim was saying..

"Cari lah lelaki yang BUDIMAN... Yang BerBUDI dan Yang BerIMAN!"

The truth is, is there such man out there? There isnt anymore.. somehow i think they all died! Yang berbudi tu ramai.. Yang Beriman tu... faham-faham sendiri lah.. kalao setakat baru solat lima waktu (tu pun solat subuh pun belum tentu tunaikan..) lepas tu sakiti hati isteri, permainkan nafkah anak isteri, tinggalkan anak isteri, suami apa tu? atau jenis lelaki apa tu? Atau jenis yang dengar habis-habisan cakap mak.. mak suruh dia masuk gaung pun dia masuk, mak suruh ceraikan isteri pun dia ikut.. sebab mak dia kata, "Syurga kau bawah kaki aku!!"

Tak tahu lah nak comment cam mana lagi.. Faham-faham sendiri lah eh.. ;)

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