Monday 12 December 2011

Facebook Fad or Craze??

I am not sure if this is the latest fad in Facebook.. Recently when I logged in to my Facebook Account and take a look at my news feed, I kept seeing people posting prayers on their wall. So I began to wonder if this is a common fad or people are just being insecure about themselves?

I mean, personally, I feel prayers are made silently between u and GOD and not to be meant shout out loud for the entire web-world to read about it.

Some of the statement made over the wall goes something like.. "Dear God, im thankful that my son passed his PSLE, " or another one that goes even longer.." Dear God, pls let my day be a good one....bla bla bla "

What happen to the conventional way of praying to God and seek his forgiveness thru solat? Isnt that what Solat is for? I totally have no idea that Facebook has taken over that right.. (sarcasm)

I used to think Faceboook is Rad but with all those ridiculous account users posting such remarks or comments on Facebook, I no longer feel the same way of how it used to be..

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