Monday 12 December 2011

KL - 2 days trip

KL Trip
10-12-2011 to 11-12-2011
Stay: Impiana KLCC Hotel

Departing on 09/12/2011 via Coach to KL @ 1.30am.
2 days 1 night trip to KL was a good one.. Right after Dinner and Dance we made our way home to change and depart for KL. We took our coach via JB Central. Cost us about RM39.00 per pax. I know of some poeple who insist on travelling to KL from Singapore but its just gonna cost more.. But to us, we are perfectly fine travelling via JB Central.

We reach KL (Pudu) around 7.45am. The journey was just 4.5 hours but somehow the coach that we took breakdown along Bangi.. around 10km away from Sungei Besi.. We checked in to Impiana KLCC hotel at around 9.30am.. after having breakfast @ Starbucks KLCC. We ended up sleeping til mid-day.. I love Impiana KLCC Hotel.. why? Cause of the fantastic location.. Located @ Jalan Pinang, it is in between KLCC and Pavilion. My 2 most favourite shopping malls in KL.

We went to Chillis for a scrumptious lunch.. of course my favourite Chicken Spagetti remains my top favourite followed by Chocolate Milk Shake.. We went to MotherCare next.. Wow!! They are having this Year End Sale and I bought few things there.. bought my Maternity Jeans, and this 7 pcs rompers for my baby.. We love the quality for the baby clothes.. Its just to-die-for!

Met a few of my hubby's friend over at Nando's for Dinner and chilling out at Starbucks Pavilion til late. I was already half dead when we reach our hotel entrance.. and yes.. I slept like a baby thoughout. And guess what I even missed breakfast the next morning! Gosh!! Never have I missed morning breakfast whenever I'm overseas. I love waking up in the hotel room. Cooling and cuddling with hubby.. *wink wink*

We went to Madam Kwans for brunch ( breakfast & Lunch )...had their best selling Nasi Lemak with Sambal Kangkong!! Yummy!! Thank Goodness hubby makes no complaint of the food.. Then again, Nasi Lemak is just his weakness in the morning especially in KL..

We decided to head down to Sogo KL.. as one of our friends had recommended us to buy things from Sogo KL..They are having their Year End Sale too.. We bought quite a number of things there.. their beddings was my hubby's favourite.. next is the Maternity is super duper cheap..compared to the ones in Singapore. Lastly was the baby stuffs. Bought the swaddling blanket and the normal blanket there..

Gosh!!! I am fully satisfied with my good buys in KL..and I definitely love this trip.. Its short yet precise and fun!!

Thank u Hubby!!

Facebook Fad or Craze??

I am not sure if this is the latest fad in Facebook.. Recently when I logged in to my Facebook Account and take a look at my news feed, I kept seeing people posting prayers on their wall. So I began to wonder if this is a common fad or people are just being insecure about themselves?

I mean, personally, I feel prayers are made silently between u and GOD and not to be meant shout out loud for the entire web-world to read about it.

Some of the statement made over the wall goes something like.. "Dear God, im thankful that my son passed his PSLE, " or another one that goes even longer.." Dear God, pls let my day be a good one....bla bla bla "

What happen to the conventional way of praying to God and seek his forgiveness thru solat? Isnt that what Solat is for? I totally have no idea that Facebook has taken over that right.. (sarcasm)

I used to think Faceboook is Rad but with all those ridiculous account users posting such remarks or comments on Facebook, I no longer feel the same way of how it used to be..