Tak habis-habis banjir, lagi-lagi cerita banjir.. Tengok news pun cerita banjir.. Nak kata musim banjir, kota singa ni jarang dilanda banjir. hmmm... pelik jugak kan? Secara logik, mereka mengatakan ianya punca dari sistem "drainage".. namun ada jugak yang kata.."yelah buat lah casino banyak-banyak, kan dah kena musibah" hmmm.. apa pun sebabnya, Allah Maha Mengetahui.
Banjir yang melanda Singapura buat beberapa kalinya ini telah banyak merosakkan harta awam dan pelbagai kerosakan seperti kereta rosak..kerana masuk air.. begitu juga dengan butik-butik berjenama yang tidak terkecuali dilanda banjir.
Hmmm... sekiranya ini bencana alam yang melanda Singapura, aku mohon agar semua saudara islamku dilinidungi Allah.. semua yang baik datang dari Allah dan yang buruk itu datang dari diri kita sendiri :)
Thursday, 23 June 2011
Kebajikan Orang Tua
Kenapa ramai bangsa Cina di rumah tumpangan orang tua?
Satu soalan yang ramai sudah tahu jawapan nya tapi hanya mendiamkan diri sahaja kan? Sungguh aku bersyukur dilahirkan sebagai orang Islam kerana sesungguhnya Islam itu sebuah agama yang cukup adil, sistematik, lengkap dan ianya penawar. Kita diajar menghormati kedua orang tua kita... walaupun hidup tidak sekaya seperti orang cina ni, orang melayu tetap menjaga kedua orang tua mereka... Jarang sekali kita lihat orang melayu ni menempatkan kedua orang tua mereka di rumah tumpangan orang-orang tua. Alhamdunillah.. Namun hanya segelintir sahaja yang melakukan sedemikian.. alasannya? Hanya Tuhan sahaja yang tahu..
Kesian kan kalao kita tengok, ramai penduduk rumah-rumah tumpangan (Old Folks Home) ini biasanya terdiri dari orang-orang cina.. Bayangkan, semasa anak baru dilahirkan, dijaga dan ditatang bagai minyak yang penuh, bila sudah tua dan tidak berdaya, anak mereka yang sudah dewasa itu tidak mahu menjaga orang tua mereka.. lebih-lebih lagi jika salah satu diantara orang tua mereka itu sudah tiada.. Kesian kan?
Namun tak kurang juga suara-suara makcik-makcik yang duduk serumah dengan anak sendiri tapi tidak dilayan sepatutnya.. Ada yang kata, " aku duduk ajer rumah anak, tapi aku yang tanggung anak aku, dia tak kerja. Mana nak dapat duit?" dan ada pula yang kata, "makcik dah takde sesiapa lagi.. tinggal anak makcik ni sorang.. dari dia buang makcik kat rumah orang tua-tua, makcik rela duduk dengan dia walaupun dia tak suka makcik duduk dengan dia.."
Hmmm.. macam mana tu? Letak kat rumah kebajikan orang tua salah, tinggal serumah pun salah! Jadi macam mana? Hmmm rasanya, seelok-eloknya, ibu bapa sepatutnya ada rumah sendiri dan tak usah dijual rumah itu semata-mata nak tinggal dengan anak.. Belum tentu mereka akan bahagia.. meskipun sunyi tinggal sendirian namun mereka tak usah bimbang dan tidak perlu takut sekiranya anak mereka sendiri tidak betah mereka tinggal serumah. Rasanya, itu yang sebaik-baiknya kan???
Jangan lah kita susahkan mereka setelah mereka susah payah membesarkan kita... Jangan dibolot harta mereka (ini khas dan khusus untuk mereka yang nak "cekup" duit CPF mak bapak) kerana mereka berhak tentukan masa tua mereka dengan apa yang tinggal untuk mereka. Misalnya, lebih afdal sekiranya, mereka tunaikan haji atau umrah dengan harta mereka yang tinggal atau jika mereka gunakan untuk jalan ibadah. Janganlah kita susahkan mereka dengan kehidupan duniawi kita yang hanya sementara.
Renungkan lah.. Semoga kita terdiri dari anak-anak yang baik, soleh dan solehah! InsyaAllah.
Satu soalan yang ramai sudah tahu jawapan nya tapi hanya mendiamkan diri sahaja kan? Sungguh aku bersyukur dilahirkan sebagai orang Islam kerana sesungguhnya Islam itu sebuah agama yang cukup adil, sistematik, lengkap dan ianya penawar. Kita diajar menghormati kedua orang tua kita... walaupun hidup tidak sekaya seperti orang cina ni, orang melayu tetap menjaga kedua orang tua mereka... Jarang sekali kita lihat orang melayu ni menempatkan kedua orang tua mereka di rumah tumpangan orang-orang tua. Alhamdunillah.. Namun hanya segelintir sahaja yang melakukan sedemikian.. alasannya? Hanya Tuhan sahaja yang tahu..
Kesian kan kalao kita tengok, ramai penduduk rumah-rumah tumpangan (Old Folks Home) ini biasanya terdiri dari orang-orang cina.. Bayangkan, semasa anak baru dilahirkan, dijaga dan ditatang bagai minyak yang penuh, bila sudah tua dan tidak berdaya, anak mereka yang sudah dewasa itu tidak mahu menjaga orang tua mereka.. lebih-lebih lagi jika salah satu diantara orang tua mereka itu sudah tiada.. Kesian kan?
Namun tak kurang juga suara-suara makcik-makcik yang duduk serumah dengan anak sendiri tapi tidak dilayan sepatutnya.. Ada yang kata, " aku duduk ajer rumah anak, tapi aku yang tanggung anak aku, dia tak kerja. Mana nak dapat duit?" dan ada pula yang kata, "makcik dah takde sesiapa lagi.. tinggal anak makcik ni sorang.. dari dia buang makcik kat rumah orang tua-tua, makcik rela duduk dengan dia walaupun dia tak suka makcik duduk dengan dia.."
Hmmm.. macam mana tu? Letak kat rumah kebajikan orang tua salah, tinggal serumah pun salah! Jadi macam mana? Hmmm rasanya, seelok-eloknya, ibu bapa sepatutnya ada rumah sendiri dan tak usah dijual rumah itu semata-mata nak tinggal dengan anak.. Belum tentu mereka akan bahagia.. meskipun sunyi tinggal sendirian namun mereka tak usah bimbang dan tidak perlu takut sekiranya anak mereka sendiri tidak betah mereka tinggal serumah. Rasanya, itu yang sebaik-baiknya kan???
Jangan lah kita susahkan mereka setelah mereka susah payah membesarkan kita... Jangan dibolot harta mereka (ini khas dan khusus untuk mereka yang nak "cekup" duit CPF mak bapak) kerana mereka berhak tentukan masa tua mereka dengan apa yang tinggal untuk mereka. Misalnya, lebih afdal sekiranya, mereka tunaikan haji atau umrah dengan harta mereka yang tinggal atau jika mereka gunakan untuk jalan ibadah. Janganlah kita susahkan mereka dengan kehidupan duniawi kita yang hanya sementara.
Renungkan lah.. Semoga kita terdiri dari anak-anak yang baik, soleh dan solehah! InsyaAllah.
Wednesday, 22 June 2011
MacDonalds free Coke Glass.
Lunch was good.. Had a meal at MacDonald today.. Guess what? It was super crowded with people.. Yeah u guess right.. Its all because every thurday is the day they changed the colour of the free Coke glass.. They have like 5 different colour if I am not mistaken, and u will get it free when u purchased an upsized extra value meal at MacDonalds.
I am not really into collecting the free glasses, even though I know they made pretty nice collectables. Then again, not every Singaporeans share the same thoughts as me and seeing the queue at MacDonalds today just proved that "Kiasuism" still lingers in Singapore.. I guess it wont die eh..
MacDonalds should find a way to control crowds and when times like this, I find it quite inconvenient to have my lunch or meals @ MacDonalds.. ***Sighsss*****
I am not really into collecting the free glasses, even though I know they made pretty nice collectables. Then again, not every Singaporeans share the same thoughts as me and seeing the queue at MacDonalds today just proved that "Kiasuism" still lingers in Singapore.. I guess it wont die eh..
MacDonalds should find a way to control crowds and when times like this, I find it quite inconvenient to have my lunch or meals @ MacDonalds.. ***Sighsss*****
Penjajahan Minda
Source extracted from
Tamadun Unik
One of the topics that intrique me to have a look and read through it. I like articles from this blog. And I would like to express my thanks to the owner of the site "illuminatidajjal". Thanks for the awareness.
Penjajahan minda adalah salah satu konspirasi yang dibawa oleh orang-orang Barat bagi memecah belahkan negeri-negeri yang berlandaskan Islam. Seperti yang ditulis oleh Ramlee Awang Murshid dalam bukunya, Hijab Sang Pencinta, dimana Portugis telah berlabuh di bumi berdaulat, Melaka dan dari situ penjajahan minda bermula...
Seperti sekarang, kita lihat contohnya, hiburan seperi kelab malam, atau karaoke atau shopping adalah antara contoh-contoh penjajahan minda sedang berlaku. Sekarang kalau kita lihat di shopping complex, makin ramai jenama-jenama barat yang menakluki sesebuah shopping mall. Memandangkan ia jenama dari Barat,tak kira samada barang makanan atau pakaian atau barangan seperti kasut dan beg, kita akan berfikir, "yang branded ni mesti tahan dan lagi wow!"
Atau majlis-majlis perkahwinan sekarang lebih cenderung pada gamelan, atau karaoke dimana tetamu bersuka ria menyanyi.. Kenapa tidak dihiasi dengan lagu-lagu agama? Bukan kah lagi afdal dan menimbulkan kesedaran dan keinsafan? Oh tidak, nanti orang kata "tak standard" atau "kuno"! Yes itu pun salah satu contoh penjajahan minda.
Satu lagi, birthday atau hari lahir disambut dengan meriah, dengan cake dihiasi lilin.. Bukan ke lagi afdal sekiranya, hari lahir disambut dengan doa kesyukuran.. atau dari berbelanja yang bukan-bukan untuk "birthday celebration" kan lebih baik sedekakan makanan pada yang memerlukan? Lagi dapat pahala.. "oh tak, mana ada orang buat cam tu? tak best lah" - itulah kata-kata orang yang aku kira buta hati!
Banyak lagi contoh-contoh penjajahan minda yang tidak kita sedari telah banyak mempengaruhi hidup kita seharian. "Auzubillah himinash syaitanirajim". Sesungguh aku berlindung pada Allah SWT dari syaitan yang direjam!
Bukan niat untuk "tembak" sesiapa cuma untuk kesedaran kita sehaja.. Semoga Allah melindungi sekalian muslimin diserata dunia. InsyaAllah...
Tamadun Unik
One of the topics that intrique me to have a look and read through it. I like articles from this blog. And I would like to express my thanks to the owner of the site "illuminatidajjal". Thanks for the awareness.
Penjajahan minda adalah salah satu konspirasi yang dibawa oleh orang-orang Barat bagi memecah belahkan negeri-negeri yang berlandaskan Islam. Seperti yang ditulis oleh Ramlee Awang Murshid dalam bukunya, Hijab Sang Pencinta, dimana Portugis telah berlabuh di bumi berdaulat, Melaka dan dari situ penjajahan minda bermula...
Seperti sekarang, kita lihat contohnya, hiburan seperi kelab malam, atau karaoke atau shopping adalah antara contoh-contoh penjajahan minda sedang berlaku. Sekarang kalau kita lihat di shopping complex, makin ramai jenama-jenama barat yang menakluki sesebuah shopping mall. Memandangkan ia jenama dari Barat,tak kira samada barang makanan atau pakaian atau barangan seperti kasut dan beg, kita akan berfikir, "yang branded ni mesti tahan dan lagi wow!"
Atau majlis-majlis perkahwinan sekarang lebih cenderung pada gamelan, atau karaoke dimana tetamu bersuka ria menyanyi.. Kenapa tidak dihiasi dengan lagu-lagu agama? Bukan kah lagi afdal dan menimbulkan kesedaran dan keinsafan? Oh tidak, nanti orang kata "tak standard" atau "kuno"! Yes itu pun salah satu contoh penjajahan minda.
Satu lagi, birthday atau hari lahir disambut dengan meriah, dengan cake dihiasi lilin.. Bukan ke lagi afdal sekiranya, hari lahir disambut dengan doa kesyukuran.. atau dari berbelanja yang bukan-bukan untuk "birthday celebration" kan lebih baik sedekakan makanan pada yang memerlukan? Lagi dapat pahala.. "oh tak, mana ada orang buat cam tu? tak best lah" - itulah kata-kata orang yang aku kira buta hati!
Banyak lagi contoh-contoh penjajahan minda yang tidak kita sedari telah banyak mempengaruhi hidup kita seharian. "Auzubillah himinash syaitanirajim". Sesungguh aku berlindung pada Allah SWT dari syaitan yang direjam!
Bukan niat untuk "tembak" sesiapa cuma untuk kesedaran kita sehaja.. Semoga Allah melindungi sekalian muslimin diserata dunia. InsyaAllah...
Kelebihan Bukit Tur Sirna
I came across this site and found it rather interesting...
extracted from this source.. Untuk kita sama-sama renungi dengan penuh keinsafan dan semoga kita semua kembali ke pangkal jalan. Insya Allah...

extracted from this source.. Untuk kita sama-sama renungi dengan penuh keinsafan dan semoga kita semua kembali ke pangkal jalan. Insya Allah...
Bukit Tur Saina’ adalah antara bukit-bukit yang diberi keistimewaan dalam disiplin Islam, selain dari bukit Nur di Makkah dan bukit Uhud di Madinah. Bukit ini berketinggian 2240 meter.
Antara kelebihan bukit Tur Saina’ ialah Allah SWT telah bersumpah di dalam al-Quran dengannya dalam firman-Nya: (وَالطُّورِ (1)) ”Demi bukit Tur” (al-Tur: 1).
Bukit Tur Saina’ adalah tempat Nabi Musa AS bermunajat dan bercakap-cakap dengan Allah SWT (al-A’raf: 143).

Ada beberapa khabar yang diriwayatkan tentang kelebihannya. Ada diriwayatkan bahawa Dajjal tidak dapat memasuki empat buah masjid, iaitu Masjid al-Haram, Masjid Madinah, Masjid Tur Saina’ dan Masjid al-Aqsa (HR Nu’aim bin Hammad dalam al-Fitan, no. 1578). Dan di atas puncak bukit Tur Sina memang ada dibina sebuah masjid kecil di situ dan kekal sehingga kini. Namun, hadis yang sahih menyebut negeri yang tidak akan dapat dimasuki oleh Dajjal ialah Makkah dan Madinah sahaja (HR al-Bukhari dan Muslim).
Ada diriwayatkan bahawa Tur Saina’ adalah penghulu bagi segala bukit (HR al-Dailami, no. 3471), dan ia adalah salah satu daripada empat bukit dari bukit-bukit syurga (HR al-Tabarani dalam al-Awsat, no. 7669).
Juga diriwayatkan bahawa manusia di akhir zaman mempunyai tiga buah benteng, iaitu; benteng mereka dari peperangan besar ialah di Antakiyah, Dimasyq. Benteng mereka dari Dajjal ialah Baitul Maqdis, dan benteng mereka dari Ya’juj dan Ma’juj ialah Tur Saina’ (HR Abu Nu’aim dalam al-Hilyah dan Ibn ’Asakir dari al-Husain bin ’Ali RA)
Namun, hadis-hadis ini tidak dapat dipastikan kesabitannya. Mungkin satu-satunya hadis yang sabit tentang kelebihan Tur Saina’ ialah Nabi SAW pernah bersolat di sana. Dimaklumkan bahawa antara kelebihan sesuatu tempat itu ialah Nabi SAW pernah bersolat di situ. Tempat-tempat sedemikian adalah tempat-tempat yang harus diharapkan keberkatan darinya. Hadis tersebut adalah sebahagian daripada riwayat mengenai peristiwa Isra’ dan Mi’raj baginda SAW.
Sabda Rasulullah SAW: ”Aku diberikan seekor binatang yang tingginya lebih dari keldai dan kurang dari baghal. Langkahnya adalah sejauh mata memandang. Lalu aku menunggangnya dan bersamaku Jibril AS. Lantas aku pun bergerak. Setelah itu, Jibril berkata: Turun, dan bersolatlah. Maka aku pun melaksanakannya. Lalu dia berkata: Adakah kamu tahu di mana kamu bersolat? Kamu telah bersolat di Taybah, dan kepadanya nanti tempat berhijrah.
Kemudian setelah itu, Jibril berkata lagi: Turun, dan bersolatlah. Maka aku pun bersolat. Lalu dia berkata: Adakah kamu tahu di mana kamu bersolat? Kamu telah bersolat di Tur Saina’, di mana Allah ’azza wajalla telah berbicara dengan Nabi Musa AS.
Kemudian setelah itu, Jibril berkata lagi: Turun, dan bersolatlah. Maka aku pun bersolat. Lalu dia berkata: Adakah kamu tahu di mana kamu bersolat? Kamu telah bersolat di Bait Lahm, di mana tempat Nabi ’Isa AS dilahirkan.
Kemudian aku memasuki Baitul Maqdis. Lalu dihimpunkan untukku para anbiya (nabi-nabi) AS. Lantas Jibril pun mengedepankanku sehingga aku mengimamkan mereka bersolat. Kemudian aku diangkatkan ke langit dunia..."
Apa yang mahu difokuskan ialah titik perjalanan Nabi SAW dari Makkah ke Baitul Maqdis, di mana baginda SAW telah singgah di tiga perhentian. Antaranya ialah di bukit Tur Saina’ serta bersolat di situ. Perjalanan yang menunggang binatang supersonik ini bukanlah satu perjalanan yang berbentuk rohani atau ghaib. Ini kerana Isra’ adalah perjalanan merentas alam nyata, dan Mi’raj barulah perjalanan merentas alam ghaib. Maka semua yang dilalui dan dilihat oleh Nabi SAW adalah realiti dan benar belaka, bukannya metafora ataupun majazi.
Sunday, 19 June 2011
I love Pasta
Pasta.. I love it a lot!!! Wish I could have it everyday in my life.. I used to go to Pastamania for my pasta-nigh..with my hubby ( at that time, boyfriend! ) We would try all kinds of dish but my favourite remains on Prawn Aglio.. Actually my husband is the one that tried that dish and I ended up lovin it.. I would order that almost everytime I dine in at Pastamania.
I was so glad that Pastamania come up with this member card that gives 15% off pasta and all other food and drinks. All the more reason for me to dine at Pastamania..
Soon after, few months before my wedding, I stopped going to Pastamania... (mainly cause I was too busy with the wedding preparation)... Even now, thanks to NOOBCOOK.COM, I know how to cook pasta, I still do missed Prawn Aglio from Pastamania.
Life has kept me so occupy with things that now I hardly have the time to for my pastamaniac dinner....
I was so glad that Pastamania come up with this member card that gives 15% off pasta and all other food and drinks. All the more reason for me to dine at Pastamania..
Soon after, few months before my wedding, I stopped going to Pastamania... (mainly cause I was too busy with the wedding preparation)... Even now, thanks to NOOBCOOK.COM, I know how to cook pasta, I still do missed Prawn Aglio from Pastamania.
Life has kept me so occupy with things that now I hardly have the time to for my pastamaniac dinner....
Thursday, 16 June 2011
Why KL?
Why I love KL?
I love KL.. many people asked me why I love going to KL.. Hmmm.. how do I answer them when I have many answer to that... Let me see..
1) Shopping
Ok the shopping may not be as GREAT as in Bangkok but with our currency doubled, it makes shopping experience a pleasure in KL.. Not all the things is cheap..some are still comparable to the ones in Singapore.. Only the goods manufactured there is cheaper than the imported goods. Big brands like Coach, LV, and many others are still within comparable.. but there is one thing that KL has and Singapore dont! Its Laura Mercier...yes they do have it there.. mostly in Parksons, Pavilion.
In KL, I have a few spots where I does all my shopping..
- Pavilion
They have Laura Mercier and Smashbox beauty counter, Stickys, Forever 21, Zara and I think most of the boutiques u find in Marina Square can be found here..at slightly a cheaper price (due to the exchange rate)
- Suria KLCC
They have Harrods, Godiva chocolatier, Crumpler, MNG and Isetan
- Jalan Masjid India.
Its like a bigger version of pasar malam..just that this opens from as early as 11am til about 7pm.. well known among the malays, Masjid India is known due to the Mosque located very near to this shopping area. If u have your aunties or mom on board in this trip, u can literally leave them here and they can shop in this lil town til they cant walk anymore.. there are so many shops that sell "tudungs" of all kinds..
Normally for me, when I make my way down to Masjid India, I would end up shopping for my mom.. I love buying her this tudung from Akel.. a lil fact from my husband, Akel is a product made in Turkey and according to my MIL, its a good tudung.. and I really like their design.. not too modern yet not too traditional. So I would spend quite a sum buying for my mom and my MIL. Nothing much for me though.. hehehe..
- Central Market
I dont really fancy this place cause its more of a tourist attraction and it does have a lot of those "angklongs" or those crafting or handywork.. I recalled my beloved brother loves this place so much and everytime I would end up having my afternoon tea and cakes in Secret Recipe. So its more of a place where I just sit back and relax.. :)
2) Eateries & Dining
- Chillis Restaurant
Located @ Suria KLCC 4th Floor just mext to the movie theater. They also have one more in Midvalley. This is by far the best dining for me.. cause I simply love the menu.. yes, I know Chillis is also available in Singapore when they first opened in Tanglin Mall and quite recently in Resort World Sentosa..quite honestly, I personally feel the Chillis in Singapore SUCKs big time! Service SUCKS! Unlike Chillis in KL, their services staff were very polite. Food wise, Chillis Malaysia got two thumbs up.... I love the chicken spagetti.. not mainly due to the spagetti but more to the grilled chicken that comes with it.. Its grilled to PERFECTION, Iwould say... :)
- Madam Kwans
Another nice restaurant.. serving local delights as well as western eateries.. Well served with standard service and food is simply niceeeeee... Strategically located at KLCC and Pavilion, it does knows standard and class! :p
- The Ship
Another restaurant located along Bukit Bintang.. Menu is somewhat similar to Chillis..just that it comes with a bar and some gigs on certain night and yet certainly on a weekend nights.
- Restaurant Berputar Menara KL ( KL Tower)
This is my second best place for my dining experience. Why? Firstly was the sentimental issue connected to it.. (*wink wink*) Thanks to my dear hubby.. secondly the buffet spread is simply superb.. simple food yet it does satisfy your tastebuds. I love how they would spread 5 to 6 different kind of cakes..and gosh they are DELICIOUS!!
- A&W
This is like soooooooooooooomissed by Singaporeans.. In most times, I pitied those kids who wont get to grow up and taste A&W food.. I love the curly fried and the root beer float.. My husband on the other hand, loves the waffle ice-cream!! Nothing beats their waffle ice-cream..he would say.. hehehe..
Gosh... see I can go on forever on why I love KL..But I think I stop here for now.. will update again..
I love KL.. many people asked me why I love going to KL.. Hmmm.. how do I answer them when I have many answer to that... Let me see..
1) Shopping
Ok the shopping may not be as GREAT as in Bangkok but with our currency doubled, it makes shopping experience a pleasure in KL.. Not all the things is cheap..some are still comparable to the ones in Singapore.. Only the goods manufactured there is cheaper than the imported goods. Big brands like Coach, LV, and many others are still within comparable.. but there is one thing that KL has and Singapore dont! Its Laura Mercier...yes they do have it there.. mostly in Parksons, Pavilion.
In KL, I have a few spots where I does all my shopping..
- Pavilion
They have Laura Mercier and Smashbox beauty counter, Stickys, Forever 21, Zara and I think most of the boutiques u find in Marina Square can be found here..at slightly a cheaper price (due to the exchange rate)
- Suria KLCC
They have Harrods, Godiva chocolatier, Crumpler, MNG and Isetan
- Jalan Masjid India.
Its like a bigger version of pasar malam..just that this opens from as early as 11am til about 7pm.. well known among the malays, Masjid India is known due to the Mosque located very near to this shopping area. If u have your aunties or mom on board in this trip, u can literally leave them here and they can shop in this lil town til they cant walk anymore.. there are so many shops that sell "tudungs" of all kinds..
Normally for me, when I make my way down to Masjid India, I would end up shopping for my mom.. I love buying her this tudung from Akel.. a lil fact from my husband, Akel is a product made in Turkey and according to my MIL, its a good tudung.. and I really like their design.. not too modern yet not too traditional. So I would spend quite a sum buying for my mom and my MIL. Nothing much for me though.. hehehe..
- Central Market
I dont really fancy this place cause its more of a tourist attraction and it does have a lot of those "angklongs" or those crafting or handywork.. I recalled my beloved brother loves this place so much and everytime I would end up having my afternoon tea and cakes in Secret Recipe. So its more of a place where I just sit back and relax.. :)
2) Eateries & Dining
- Chillis Restaurant
Located @ Suria KLCC 4th Floor just mext to the movie theater. They also have one more in Midvalley. This is by far the best dining for me.. cause I simply love the menu.. yes, I know Chillis is also available in Singapore when they first opened in Tanglin Mall and quite recently in Resort World Sentosa..quite honestly, I personally feel the Chillis in Singapore SUCKs big time! Service SUCKS! Unlike Chillis in KL, their services staff were very polite. Food wise, Chillis Malaysia got two thumbs up.... I love the chicken spagetti.. not mainly due to the spagetti but more to the grilled chicken that comes with it.. Its grilled to PERFECTION, Iwould say... :)
- Madam Kwans
Another nice restaurant.. serving local delights as well as western eateries.. Well served with standard service and food is simply niceeeeee... Strategically located at KLCC and Pavilion, it does knows standard and class! :p
- The Ship
Another restaurant located along Bukit Bintang.. Menu is somewhat similar to Chillis..just that it comes with a bar and some gigs on certain night and yet certainly on a weekend nights.
- Restaurant Berputar Menara KL ( KL Tower)
This is my second best place for my dining experience. Why? Firstly was the sentimental issue connected to it.. (*wink wink*) Thanks to my dear hubby.. secondly the buffet spread is simply superb.. simple food yet it does satisfy your tastebuds. I love how they would spread 5 to 6 different kind of cakes..and gosh they are DELICIOUS!!
- A&W
This is like soooooooooooooomissed by Singaporeans.. In most times, I pitied those kids who wont get to grow up and taste A&W food.. I love the curly fried and the root beer float.. My husband on the other hand, loves the waffle ice-cream!! Nothing beats their waffle ice-cream..he would say.. hehehe..
Gosh... see I can go on forever on why I love KL..But I think I stop here for now.. will update again..
Wednesday, 15 June 2011
MNG sale
MNG sale starts from 16/06/2011.. got this from an online source.. MNG is also one my favourite brand.. love their design.. simple yet comfy...Of course, GAP is even better.. then again, I wont mind buying goods from MNG.. once I haul few stuffs from MNG.. and they can still fit me til todate.. Quality clothes is worth when you buy it on sale.. :)
Tuesday, 14 June 2011
Pilih Suami Orang?
10 Sebab Tidak Digalakkan Pilih Suami Orang
Seorang lelaki yang tidak bahagia dalam rumah tangganya akan pasti terasa amat gembira dengan kehadiran kamu apatah lagi dia terasa dirinya diberi sepenuh perhatian yang mungkin tidak diperoleh dari isterinya sendiri. Pasti saban masa dia akan melahirkan rasa bahagianya berada di sisi kamu. Ini mungkin kelihatan seperti komitmen terhadap masa depan kamu. Tapi, percayalah itu hanyalah kata-kata manis sekadar untuk mendapatkan cinta kamu saja!
Sikapnya yang tak jujur terhadap isterinya sendiri sudah cukup untuk dijadikan bukti jelas kepada kamu sikap sebenar si dia yang tak jujur. Dia sanggup mencari hiburan di luar rumah apabila mendapati ada masalah atau perkara yang tidak memuaskan hatinya di rumah, tanpa cuba untuk mengatasi masalah itu. Tambahan pula, kamu menjadi punca sebenar si dia menipu kepada isterinya. Ingat, si dia mungkin akan mengulangi sikap menipu ini terhadap kamu apabila kamu berdua menghadapi masalah dalam perhubungan kamu kelak.
Merahsiakan sesebuah perhubungan itu sememangnya suatu perkara yang meletihkan. Melibatkan diri di dalam perhubungan sulit seperti ini akan membuatkan kamu kehilangan keyakinan diri kerana kamu akan ketinggalan dalam pelbagai aspek perhubungan yang indah. Kamu tidak boleh berjalan berdua-duaan dengan bebas dan bangga. Ini kerana kamu akan sentiasa diselubungi oleh perasaan takut dan bimbang. Takut orang lain terlihat kamu berdua-duaan lalu mengadu kepada isteri si dia. Mati kamu kena serang!
Apa yang dimaksudkan di sini, dia dianggap lebih bertuah dalam masa yang sama tetap mempunyai sebuah keluarga yang akan tetap menyayanginya. Sebaliknya dalam diam kamu pula yang mengalami "kerugian" kerana terpaksa berkongsi kasih dengan keluarganya yang sah. Bayangkan, kamu tidak boleh menemaninya ke majlis-majlis formal kerana sudah pasti dia akan membawa isterinya. Kamu hanyalah sebagai teman di kala ingin mengubat kesunyian atau mencari hiburan jika ada masalah di rumah saja! Kamu kena ingat, mereka boleh berkahwin lebih daripada empat!
Persoalannya, apakah kamu masih sanggup menersukan perhubungan dengan seorang lelaki yang tidak jujur dan tidak hormat kepada isterinya? Dengan menjalinkan perhubungan secara sulit dengan kamu sudah jelas menunjukkan bahawa dia menganggap perempuan mudah untuk dipikat dan diperlakukan sewenang-wenangnya. Jika dia benar-benar menyayangi dan jujur dengan isterinya, sudah pasti dia sanggup berterus-terang. Alasan untuk tidak melukai hati isterinya bukannya alasan yang kukuh memandangkan dia sememangnya sudah melukai hati isterinya di saat dia menjalinkan hubungan dengan wanita lain!
Jangan terkejut! Walaupun dia yang jatuh cinta pada kamu dan menarik minat kamu, di dalam hati lelakinya dia pasti akan pandang rendah terhadap wanita seperti kamu yang mudah terpedaya dengan kata-kata lelaki sepertinya. Siapa tahu, mungkin pada awalnya dia sekadar nak "test market" saja. Tak sangka pula kamu benar-benar terpikat. Lelaki pula, mana yang sanggup menolak tuah kan? Dalam keadaan seperti inilah yang selalunya akan timbul soal dipermainkan.
Ingat! Sebagai wanita, kamu seharusnya lebih memahami perasaan dan naluri kaum sejenis kamu. Dengan menjalinkan hubungan dengan suami wanita lain, menunjukkan bahawa kamu tidak menghormati hak kaum kamu sendiri. Bayangkan jika hak kamu diganggu atau cuba dirampas oleh orang lain? Sebaliknya ada pula yang sanggup berkomplot dengan si lelaki untuk menipu isterinya. Ingat, jika hari ini kamu mengambil hak orang lain, tak mustahil orang lain pula akan mengambil hak kamu suatu hari nanti! Renungkan!
Si dia sentiasa mengucapkan kata-kata manis pada kamu tetapi masih tidak menamatkan perhubungannya dengan isterinya dan pada masa yang sama masih tidak memulakan perhubungan yang sah dengan kamu. Inilah yang dikatakan sebagai "Action that speak louder than words" (pandai cakap tapi buatnya tidak!)
Kebanyakan orang tak kira sama ada wanita tau lelaki mempunyai sikap sukar untuk bertanggungjawab terhadap keputusan dan tindakan yang mereka lakukan secara terburu-buru. Manusia lebih mudah untuk mencari kesalahan orang lain daripada menanggung malu. Jika perbuatan si dia diketahui oleh isterinya atau saudara-mara, jangan terkejut jika dia menyalahkan kamu lalu membuatkan kamu terpaksa menanggung segala derita. Haiiiii Kasih ke mana, sayang ke mana. Tinggal kamu seorang yang menderita !
Hubungan dengan lelaki yang telah berkahwin boleh berlanjutan selama beberapa tahun. Sedar tak sedar, usia kamu semakin meningkat. Apabila kamu sudah tua baru kamu sedar yang kamu terjerat dan tak boleh melarikan diri lagi. Jika boleh melarikan diri pun, kamu sudah tidak tahu apa yang patut kamu lakukan. Terasa begitu lama kamu mempersiakan zaman muda kamu menjalinkan hubungan yang TAK BERMAKNA!
Renung-renungkanlah sejauh mana kebenaran di sebalik apa yang cuba disampaikan. Moga boleh dijadikan panduan pada kita semua...khususnya wanita...
I love NARS.. Nars Cosmetics! Unfortunately, they arent available in Singapore and like I ever mentioned in my previous blog, I wonder why Sephora in Singapore didnt bring in NARS.. heeeesshhh!!!
Then again, I am just wondering which tone will fit me best when comes to NARS??
I'm wearing NC40 for MAC and Warm Sand for Bobbi Brown.. So ladies, if u gals are using the same tone as me and is currently using NARS, do tell.. I just cant help wondering...
Then again, I am just wondering which tone will fit me best when comes to NARS??
I'm wearing NC40 for MAC and Warm Sand for Bobbi Brown.. So ladies, if u gals are using the same tone as me and is currently using NARS, do tell.. I just cant help wondering...
Sunday, 12 June 2011
Everywhere Sale
Time of the Year: GSS - Great Singapore Sale
Oh ya back to the sales, latest just in was RAOUL, GUESS, and Banana Republic is on SALE now!!! For those of u who is a fan of these brands, go check it out.. cause u might walk away with goods that is worth paying for.. Too bad, my hubby had enough of Raoul in his closet.. else, I would have bought something for him.. :p well.. that dimes goes to the holiday piggy! :)
Though, there are bargains and good discounts on almost all stores out there, it does not mean u have to empty your piggy bank on all those u want.. I think its best to list down ur wants and get only the ones u feel u really want and might come in handy to u..
Spent well dearies!!! :)
Tukang Masak Tailong - Berita Minggu
With reference to Berita Minggu dated on 12th June 2011
Topic: Tukang Masak jadi Tailong
This topic really intrigue me.. not that I am condemning or anything of that sort..just that this is written based on my personal thoughts and views on it.. (If u cant handle it, then deal with it!) Ok.. here goes....
Wedding, especially Malay weddings, are perfect combination of a lot of things... like for example, typically to have a wedding, u must have catering for the food, "pelamin" for the bride and groom, bridal services, wedding deco and all those whatever nots... These usually will cost up to a mininum of $10,000. So guys, how long do u save to have that money? And to throw it like that on a one day wedding?? And we are not talking lavish wedding.. This amount, from what I understand, is only to cover the minimum of what was stated aboved.. So for those who wanted a more lavish wedding of a lifetime, so they say, well.. of course more $$$ will be thrown off the betting table.
Ok lets talk about $10,000 for a wedding... now how many guys within the age of 20 to 30,out there can earn this money in a month? A month? not a year... mind u! Come on, give me the maths.. relatively an estimate of 5%?? Now ladies, what are the chances u might get this 5% of men who own thick wallets or deep pockets where they can easily throw $10,000 for a normal wedding? let say.. 2%!!! There u go.. see where I am going??
What I am saying, girls.. be realistic! Even if your parents are the one who is pestering u to have a lavish wedding, do u have the heart to see your husband-to-be work their ass off just to be married to you? We live a materialistic world, yes.. everyone knows that!! We live in a world where we are force to be practical on the things/issue we decide on... such as lavish wedding, rental of Maserati for a wedding car, a wedding deco that cost $5000.. (oh my Gucci!!! WTH!!) or perhaps allow any form injection funds from parents... ok.. this part I'm a lil skeptical about it..
I believed parents CPF output should be used for their retirement and not to "sponsor" for their child's wedding expenses. Then again, if its the parent that insist, what can we say? Nonetheless, u being adult should know better to appreciate your parents for that.. I recalled an article written by this journalist few years ago in Berita Minggu, whereby, parents went bankrupt after paying all the wedding expenses for their child whild the newly wed happily went for a luxurious honeymoon in Europe..
Ok...that could only mean 2 things : either the parents that wants that kinda luxury wedding or its the child that took advantage of their parents kindness.. As much as it sound bad, this is what that has been happening in the malay community.. Yeah, the truth hurts..Deal with it!
Then there is this trend of couples who are willing to pay five figure amount for a wedding photoshoot overseas..its fine if u can afford it but then remember the percentile of couple who are financially-abled... but what about those copy-cats? Come on, admit it!! The world is full of copy cats.. if Petaling Street can copy an authentic LV, what about humans? They just love to copy everyone else.. just like when one financially-abled couple are paying a five figure sum for a wedding photoshoot overseas, others are copying the same things whether or not they can afford it or not, its secondary! Funny isnt it? Its seems originality is ceased to exist soon to come.. :)
Then there is this issue of wedding caterers not getting paid.. Well from my own personal perspective, dont mean to be mean but I think they deserve it.. (Tamak sangat jadi orang!) These caterers are making money on weddings, encouraging the more pax the better.. for example.. the cost of 500 pax is $9500 and the cost for 1000pax is $11000. A difference of $1500 for half the number of pax. of course it sound nuts to me in the first place and when I questioned why is it price that way with small marginal difference, their respond, "cause we work the same number of hours be it 500 pax or 1000 pax!" Simpletons! Lamers!! Simple to put, the more pax u take in, the more profit they gain! Its that simple! Ever heard this phrase that states , "melayu singapura memang tak maju dalam business!" yeah spot on!!
I always believe what goes around comes around.. so there u see... in order for u to gain profit in business, u price it so high that it exceed other's budget and in the end, u lost ur profits cause ur customers cant pay u.. Sorry to say this, but it seems to me.. "sama-sama bodoh".. customers who cant afford wishes a luxurious wedding and wedding businesses lost their money cause customers cant pay..some even have to keep coming back to thei customers for their due payments... a.k.a. part time tailong.. hmmm.. i'd say... the world is indeed Round for a reason! :)
My sincere apologies on this sensitive write-ups but I wish to highlight the importance of affordibility and managing expectations when comes to matters like wedding for example.
i'll write more soon...
till then, take care all..
Topic: Tukang Masak jadi Tailong
This topic really intrigue me.. not that I am condemning or anything of that sort..just that this is written based on my personal thoughts and views on it.. (If u cant handle it, then deal with it!) Ok.. here goes....
Wedding, especially Malay weddings, are perfect combination of a lot of things... like for example, typically to have a wedding, u must have catering for the food, "pelamin" for the bride and groom, bridal services, wedding deco and all those whatever nots... These usually will cost up to a mininum of $10,000. So guys, how long do u save to have that money? And to throw it like that on a one day wedding?? And we are not talking lavish wedding.. This amount, from what I understand, is only to cover the minimum of what was stated aboved.. So for those who wanted a more lavish wedding of a lifetime, so they say, well.. of course more $$$ will be thrown off the betting table.
Ok lets talk about $10,000 for a wedding... now how many guys within the age of 20 to 30,out there can earn this money in a month? A month? not a year... mind u! Come on, give me the maths.. relatively an estimate of 5%?? Now ladies, what are the chances u might get this 5% of men who own thick wallets or deep pockets where they can easily throw $10,000 for a normal wedding? let say.. 2%!!! There u go.. see where I am going??
What I am saying, girls.. be realistic! Even if your parents are the one who is pestering u to have a lavish wedding, do u have the heart to see your husband-to-be work their ass off just to be married to you? We live a materialistic world, yes.. everyone knows that!! We live in a world where we are force to be practical on the things/issue we decide on... such as lavish wedding, rental of Maserati for a wedding car, a wedding deco that cost $5000.. (oh my Gucci!!! WTH!!) or perhaps allow any form injection funds from parents... ok.. this part I'm a lil skeptical about it..
I believed parents CPF output should be used for their retirement and not to "sponsor" for their child's wedding expenses. Then again, if its the parent that insist, what can we say? Nonetheless, u being adult should know better to appreciate your parents for that.. I recalled an article written by this journalist few years ago in Berita Minggu, whereby, parents went bankrupt after paying all the wedding expenses for their child whild the newly wed happily went for a luxurious honeymoon in Europe..
Ok...that could only mean 2 things : either the parents that wants that kinda luxury wedding or its the child that took advantage of their parents kindness.. As much as it sound bad, this is what that has been happening in the malay community.. Yeah, the truth hurts..Deal with it!
Then there is this trend of couples who are willing to pay five figure amount for a wedding photoshoot overseas..its fine if u can afford it but then remember the percentile of couple who are financially-abled... but what about those copy-cats? Come on, admit it!! The world is full of copy cats.. if Petaling Street can copy an authentic LV, what about humans? They just love to copy everyone else.. just like when one financially-abled couple are paying a five figure sum for a wedding photoshoot overseas, others are copying the same things whether or not they can afford it or not, its secondary! Funny isnt it? Its seems originality is ceased to exist soon to come.. :)
Then there is this issue of wedding caterers not getting paid.. Well from my own personal perspective, dont mean to be mean but I think they deserve it.. (Tamak sangat jadi orang!) These caterers are making money on weddings, encouraging the more pax the better.. for example.. the cost of 500 pax is $9500 and the cost for 1000pax is $11000. A difference of $1500 for half the number of pax. of course it sound nuts to me in the first place and when I questioned why is it price that way with small marginal difference, their respond, "cause we work the same number of hours be it 500 pax or 1000 pax!" Simpletons! Lamers!! Simple to put, the more pax u take in, the more profit they gain! Its that simple! Ever heard this phrase that states , "melayu singapura memang tak maju dalam business!" yeah spot on!!
I always believe what goes around comes around.. so there u see... in order for u to gain profit in business, u price it so high that it exceed other's budget and in the end, u lost ur profits cause ur customers cant pay u.. Sorry to say this, but it seems to me.. "sama-sama bodoh".. customers who cant afford wishes a luxurious wedding and wedding businesses lost their money cause customers cant pay..some even have to keep coming back to thei customers for their due payments... a.k.a. part time tailong.. hmmm.. i'd say... the world is indeed Round for a reason! :)
My sincere apologies on this sensitive write-ups but I wish to highlight the importance of affordibility and managing expectations when comes to matters like wedding for example.
i'll write more soon...
till then, take care all..
KL Gangster - The Movie
07Managed to catch it last Sunday.. we were in fact early but due to the popularity of the movie, the seats are going out fast.. Imagine we reached at 6pm and we got the 8.30pm show.. it was worth the wait cause the verdict: The movie is excellent!! Great cast, good story line and the special effects were better than before.. as compared to other Syamsul Yusof's movies.
Latest movie that I watched over the weekend at TGV Tebrau City, JB.
Main Cast: Syamsul Yusof, Aaron Aziz, Adi Putra, Sheera Iskandar, Zul Huzaimy, Wan Maimunah & Ridzuan Hashim
Adi Putra in this movie KL Gangster.. Like Aaron, he came very far to achieve what he has achieved now.. Just like Aaron, he too plays a very good role..just that Aaron is better! :)
Main cast: None other than Aaron Aziz..
yeah..u made Singaporeans here very proud of u.. I personally think that his actings is getting better in every movies.. He is so much better actor now. U rawks, Aaron.. :)
In this movie, Aaron plays the ex-convict who wants to come clean after serving his jail term but he has to face with a lot of repercussion that comes from those who were still "sour" with him, even after his release.
My personal views: no matter how serious his conviction are in this role, he still cant remove that "SG- face"..LOL!! His clean cut features and his face is just sooooo "Singapore"...Guess he has to work a lil harder to blend in.. hehehe...
Syamsul Yusof - Pengarah & Pelakon moviie "KL Gangster"
He is the director of this movie and at the same time, he also took a big role in this movie as the "villain". He plays as "SHARK".. the villain that cant stand the sight of Malek (played by Aaron Aziz)..He did whatever he can to get rid of Malek, as Malek is being favoured by his Taiko -King (played by Ridzuan Hashim).. Feared that he will be "dominated" by Malek and King, Shark continued further by causing damage and chaos.
Personally I feel that Syamsul is a very talented actor..just that when comes to those romance scene, he lacks the feel. I could still remember when he cast in "Khurafat" where Liyana Jasmay plays his wife or perhaps.. in KL Drift where his romance with Fasha Sandha (forgot what role she cast in).. he kinda lack in romance dept.. then again for this movie, he really ace it as a villain.. with his tatooed neck.. which I feel is a lil too exaggerated but still acceptable.
All in all, it was a perfect combi with him and Aaron Aziz on cast. This Movie is even better than KL drift.. Thankfully they didnt picked Fasha Sandha in this movie.. nothing personal just that I feel Fasha does not fit well in this kinda movie.. even for KL drift.. the word is just "too weak" -performance wise.. With Sheera Iskandar in this movie, she does make a powerful stand as Malek's sister..
Verdict: 5 out 5!!
Worth your time to watch this movie. If u love Aaron Aziz, Syamsul Yusof and Adi Putra.. go on.. and have a break with this movie.. Entertaining yet satisfying! :) Good job to Skop Productions!
***Photos are extracted from Google photos.
Friday, 10 June 2011
Wednesday, 8 June 2011
Wanita itu Cantik
I got these in my email few years ago and I find very enlightening. Whoever and whatever the source is, I believe on this note. Women are not made weak.. neither are they made too strong to overcome a man, yet their presence in a man's life brings a lot of significance and a sense of companionship that brings peace and happiness in his heart..
Read on and hope whoever u are out there find this enlightening and motivational in our daily life as women...
God is fair..God is Great! Subhanallah...
Seorang anak laki-laki bertanya kepada ibunya "Mengapa engkau menangis?""Karena aku seorang wanita," dia berkata kepada anaknya."Aku tidak mengerti," jawab anak laki-laki tersebut. Sang ibu memeluk anaknya dan berkata "Dan kau tidak akan pernah mengerti"Kemudian anak laki-laki tersebut bertanya kepada ayahnya "Mengapa ibu menangis tanpa ada alasan?""Semua wanita menangis tanpa ada alasan," hanya itu yang bisa dikatakan ayahnya.Anak laki-laki itu tumbuh dan menjadi seorang laki-laki dewasa, dan tetap merasa heran mengapa wanita menangis.
Akhirnya dia menelepon Tuhan, dan ketika sudah terhubung, dia bertanya, "Tuhan, mengapa wanita begitu mudah menangis?"
Tuhan berkata
"Aku menciptakan wanita istimewa.
Aku menciptakan baginya bahu yang kuat untuk memikul beban dunia, tapi begitu lembut sehingga dapat memberikan kenyamanan."
"Aku memberinya kekuatan untuk melahirkan dan menahan penolakan yang kerap muncul dari anak-anaknya"
"Aku memberinya keteguhan yang membuatnya dapat tetap bertahan di saat semua orang sudah menyerah, dan tetap memperhatikan keluarganya tanpa mengeluh saat sedang lelah maupun sakit."
"Aku memberinya kepekaan untuk mencintai anak-anaknya dalam keadaan apapun, meskipun mereka menyakitinya."
"Aku memberinya kekuatan untuk bisa memaklumi kesalahan-kesalahan suaminya, menciptakannya dari tulang rusuk suaminya untuk melindungi hatinya"
"Aku memberinya kearifan untuk mengetahui bahwa seorang suami yang baik tidak akan pernah menyakiti istrinya, tetapi kadang-kadang menguji kekuatan dan ketetapan hatinya untuk tetap teguh mendampingi suaminya"
"Dan akhirnya, Aku memberinya air mata untuk dicurahkan. Ini khusus miliknya untuk digunakan kapanpun diperlukan."
"Kau lihat: Kecantikan seorang wanita tidak terletak pada pakaian yang dikenakannya, penampilan fisiknya, atau cara dia menyisir rambutnya."
"Kecantikan seorang wanita dapat dilihat melalui matanya, karena mata adalah pintu menuju hatinya, tempat dimana cinta bersemayam."
Setiap Wanita Cantik
Sumber: http://id.shvoong.com/books/480884-setiap-wanita-cantik/#ixzz1OkUpfT7d
Saturday, 4 June 2011
Biometric Scan in JB
I was on my way to JB last weekend when there was a slight delay in the traffic flow @ JB custom. I was wondering what took them so longer.. it was a lil different than usual. Then when its our turn to stamp our passport, the staff at the custom counter checked through our passports and took our fingerprint scan. Then we were let go.. It was like less than 5 minutes.. But the week after, my friend went in to JB too and this time it was a massive jam at the motorcycle section. According to my friend, although there were massive jam, the queue was moving rather slowly.. Thats better than not moving at all right..
Well as usual, long queue isnt a thing to be happy about for motorist in Malaysia, particularly, JB, so of course u will hear a symphony of ochestra while in the queue.
Apparently my friend and I were not the only one who suffered this jam.. STOMP also has its fair share of "feedback" about this massive jam..
Then again, its not like everyday there is a massive jam in JB custom.. So I can still bear with it. I believe once their system is up and running smoothly, things will much better @ JB custom.. There is no need to complaint. As to whether they need which finger to scan or why others need to scan while others are not require to, its a no biggie issue to "feedback" about..
Below are the extracted note from STOMP website..
STOMPer Chuck also shares her thoughts:
"I recently went to Malaysia by bus and was surprised to find that the biometric system had been implemented at the Malaysian checkpoint.
"The new system holds up the queue as the process takes longer. People have to first scan their fingers before waiting for a sticker to be printed and pasted in their passport.
"People are also unsure of what to do as it is a new system, so this adds to the waiting time.
"I also think that certain people might have trouble with the machine.
"For example, my mother's fingerprints could not be read by the machine because there is a scar on her finger.
"The process was also inconsistent. When my friend and I entered Malaysia, I had my fingers scanned, but she was not required to do so.
"However, when we left Malaysia, I was not required to scan my fingers but she was!"
Well as usual, long queue isnt a thing to be happy about for motorist in Malaysia, particularly, JB, so of course u will hear a symphony of ochestra while in the queue.
Apparently my friend and I were not the only one who suffered this jam.. STOMP also has its fair share of "feedback" about this massive jam..
Then again, its not like everyday there is a massive jam in JB custom.. So I can still bear with it. I believe once their system is up and running smoothly, things will much better @ JB custom.. There is no need to complaint. As to whether they need which finger to scan or why others need to scan while others are not require to, its a no biggie issue to "feedback" about..
Below are the extracted note from STOMP website..
STOMPer Chuck also shares her thoughts:
"I recently went to Malaysia by bus and was surprised to find that the biometric system had been implemented at the Malaysian checkpoint.
"The new system holds up the queue as the process takes longer. People have to first scan their fingers before waiting for a sticker to be printed and pasted in their passport.
"People are also unsure of what to do as it is a new system, so this adds to the waiting time.
"I also think that certain people might have trouble with the machine.
"For example, my mother's fingerprints could not be read by the machine because there is a scar on her finger.
"The process was also inconsistent. When my friend and I entered Malaysia, I had my fingers scanned, but she was not required to do so.
"However, when we left Malaysia, I was not required to scan my fingers but she was!"
Be Nice ya...
Nice Being nice:
Always be nice to people in order for others to be nice to you.. that, to me, is of course Rule No 1. Nonetheless, not many people would understand this simple teory. Its that simple. Dont do things that u wont want others to do to u.. :)
Simple Scenario:
When u are required to wait for your seat in a popular restaurant for more than 20mins. Do u straightaway jump at the staff or do u ask the staff politely what is going on that u have been waiting for quite some time? Well its obvious what typical Singaporeans would do.. They jump. They kinda love jumping around especially when they know they are holding a Pink NRIC.
Being Singaporean myself, not that I have never jump before, I did.. (I'd be lying if I say I didnt do such thing.. I may not be a Singaporean..hahaha) then again, it set me thinking.. why do I need to do this? Its not something nice and its not like the staff is being rude to me or whatsoever.. And I do not wish to be labelled like those ugly singaporeans who thinks money can buy anything! Knowing what I wont want others to do to me, I changed my ways and I keep telling myself, I am not associated with those ugly singaporeans.. which is why now, I rather wait patiently in my queue or ask things nicely the first time.. Jump only when the service crew or staff is rude to u, obviously rude, u know.. get what I mean.. cause I am not saying that all service staffs are nice.. there are some "ridiculous" ones. I think thats fair enough..being human..
Then again, I shook my head whenever I see some people jump at the slightest thing which I dont think its worth making noise for.. I figured they kinda looking forward to aging.. no wonder Singapore is popular with these anti-aging cream. LOL...
I believe its just a simple rule.. If u ask nicely and politely, there might be chance that u get your way.. however u do the Singapore-style, then u can keep waiting for that chance! Cause that is not the case when u are stepping on a foreign land. :)
Always be nice to people in order for others to be nice to you.. that, to me, is of course Rule No 1. Nonetheless, not many people would understand this simple teory. Its that simple. Dont do things that u wont want others to do to u.. :)
Simple Scenario:
When u are required to wait for your seat in a popular restaurant for more than 20mins. Do u straightaway jump at the staff or do u ask the staff politely what is going on that u have been waiting for quite some time? Well its obvious what typical Singaporeans would do.. They jump. They kinda love jumping around especially when they know they are holding a Pink NRIC.
Being Singaporean myself, not that I have never jump before, I did.. (I'd be lying if I say I didnt do such thing.. I may not be a Singaporean..hahaha) then again, it set me thinking.. why do I need to do this? Its not something nice and its not like the staff is being rude to me or whatsoever.. And I do not wish to be labelled like those ugly singaporeans who thinks money can buy anything! Knowing what I wont want others to do to me, I changed my ways and I keep telling myself, I am not associated with those ugly singaporeans.. which is why now, I rather wait patiently in my queue or ask things nicely the first time.. Jump only when the service crew or staff is rude to u, obviously rude, u know.. get what I mean.. cause I am not saying that all service staffs are nice.. there are some "ridiculous" ones. I think thats fair enough..being human..
Then again, I shook my head whenever I see some people jump at the slightest thing which I dont think its worth making noise for.. I figured they kinda looking forward to aging.. no wonder Singapore is popular with these anti-aging cream. LOL...
I believe its just a simple rule.. If u ask nicely and politely, there might be chance that u get your way.. however u do the Singapore-style, then u can keep waiting for that chance! Cause that is not the case when u are stepping on a foreign land. :)
Thursday, 2 June 2011
Of course, being Singaporeans, I believed many of you have heard or come across this site STOMP. Its a site that blogs in all kinds of happenings in Singapore.. such as Singapore Seen. I dont really know what STOMP means but by all means if u happened to come across this site, u will definitely be entertained with all the topics, blogs and the best for me is what was being commented on every post. Obviously that shows how one minds differ from the other. Some are liberal and conservative comments that will set u smiling while reading it.
In most times, I find it entertaining! Well, generally because, some of the comments are ridiculously comical! However there are good ones.. like those who "liberalised" the conservative native.. hahahaha.. I'm guessing as we speak now, there might "stompers" who is now posting some "hot" issue on this site.. One that is very common is about couple kissing on void decks, or couples making out in public, then there is this one maid that makes out in public with her Bangladeshi boyfriend. The weird thing is she shoved aside this grandmother who is wheel-chaired bound while she make out with her boyfriend..hmmm.. a lil too disturbing for those who engaged foreign domestic helpers ya??
All in all, I personally think this site is meant for entertainment.. plus of course those hot news that came in way earlier than other media itself.
In most times, I find it entertaining! Well, generally because, some of the comments are ridiculously comical! However there are good ones.. like those who "liberalised" the conservative native.. hahahaha.. I'm guessing as we speak now, there might "stompers" who is now posting some "hot" issue on this site.. One that is very common is about couple kissing on void decks, or couples making out in public, then there is this one maid that makes out in public with her Bangladeshi boyfriend. The weird thing is she shoved aside this grandmother who is wheel-chaired bound while she make out with her boyfriend..hmmm.. a lil too disturbing for those who engaged foreign domestic helpers ya??
All in all, I personally think this site is meant for entertainment.. plus of course those hot news that came in way earlier than other media itself.
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
The Flamingo Hotel
The Flamingo
Flamingo Hotel, by the Lake in KL
I never stayed in this hotel before.. but my first time there was a good one.. located quite a distance away from city area, it gives that calm and close-to-nature ambience.. expecially when u take look outside your window aisle and see this beautiful lake.
28/05/2011 - We were on our way to Kuantan when we made a stop-over in KL for a night. This hotel were chosen by my in-laws. They have always stayed in this Flamingo Hotel whenever they went to KL, so I was told. We were greeted with the warm serenity of nature upon our arrival. The facade of the hotel is very colonial and it does gives u this warmth..
The rooms were clean and they do have room for "solat" and since this is not a five star rating, well u have to iron your own clothes and they have this room allocated for ironing. Oh the rooms does not comes with ironing board, all have to be done in the "ironing room". The bathroom could have been a lil bigger. Its pretty small.. and its far from spacious. Still the bathroom comes clean. Thankfully.. hehehe..
They do have call-cabs services for this hotel.. unlike many other hotels in KL, when we use this "call-cab services", these cab drivers would end up touting, but not for this hotel. They only charged us additional RM3 on top of the meter fare. Good enough.. Generally if u hailed a cab within the city area in KL, u are bound to get tout by the cab drivers... No offence but I guess thats how life in KL is..
Had our dinner in Chillis, KLCC. As usual, being a popular choice for the locals and foreigners, there is a wait time before we could get our seats. I guess not all of us could get use to waiting especially when comes to restaurants... its supposed to be better than those "warungs". This time our wait time was longer as we requires more seats. (There is about 9 of us, if I am not mistaken) To me, for something good as Chillis, I didnt mind the wait.. cause I really love the food there.
Unfortunately, we only have a night there and I would say I did have a pleasant stay. Could be better though.. I mean I still love my stay in Maya. Whoopss.. pardon me, I just have to compare my stay!! I have stayed in many hotels in KL but Flamingo is overall pleasant but not really the best..yet! :)
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