Thats good news for me!!!!
Saw this AD when I was there last weekend.. Gosh.. Great news!! And Sephora will open its door on the April 28th 2011, officially.
Located at a very prime location of Starhill, Bukit Bintang and KLCC (Level One) just next to Cold Storage. (Duh.. I wonder why next to Cold Storage??) My hubby got this teory that when women goes in to Sephora to shop, hubby can easily get his drinks or food nearby.. well thats another way of telling me how long I take to shop in Sephora!! Sorry but I cant help it.. Sephora and its contents is just too convincingly tempting!!
I just couldnt wait!! Gosh its gonna be a rawking Opening!!
Tuesday, 26 April 2011
Monday, 25 April 2011
Metro Expo Sale
Metro Expo Sale
Location: Singapore Expo Hall 5
29th April 2011 - 02nd May 2011
Hmmm.. when I saw this ad, I am not too sure to be excited about this sale.. They have this kinda sale like almost every month, it seems.. Of course its a sale worth going to.. compare when u buy things off the shelves during normal days.. Usually I go for those health supplements and chocolates..I love getting those chocolates.. not really a chocolate lovers but what I normally do is when I buy this chocolates, I put it together with my ice cream and it makes a nice dessert after meal.. or perhaps when watching my favourite shows on TV.
Compared between The John Little Sale, Metro sale and Robinsons Sale, I would say I'd go for Robinsons sale then Metro Sale.. John Little doesnt really appeal to me that much.. I guess I will go if hubby and I have no plans for this weekend.. Hmmm.. tick tock tick tock.. time is counting down to weekend!! Yeay!!! Another long weekend!!!
Saturday, 23 April 2011
Tony Roma's Dining
I am not someone who loves steak. My husband as well..But one time dinner at Tony Roma's changed everything.. We has our first Tony Roma's experience in Pavilion, KLCC. Ordered this Onion Loaf (Giant hand cut onions, breaded, deep fried and served with our BBQ Mayo Dipping Sauce) , Sanoma Salad ( Mixed greens tossed with freen appple slices, pecans, dried cranberries, Bleu cheese crumbles, vinaigrette and grilled chicken) and of course, this is a MUST try in Tony Roma's... gosh..I forgot whats the name of it.. the Steaks!! of course.. 4 small portion of ribs abd steaks served with mashed potatoes. Mouth watering isnt it??? Well it is for us.. I love the steak the most.. soft and tender beef for sure.. portion was quite big for the both of us.. we had to share of course..
Tony Roma's - Tony Roma's has been Famous for Ribs for more than 30 years. It all started back in 1972 in North Miami when Tony opened his first place with Baby Backs as the house specialty. (
Overall it was a nice experience dining at Tony Roma's. The ambience was just right for a place like Tony.. located next to Madam Kwan make it even more difficult for us to choose...I love Madam Kwan as well.. :) No doubt, I woul dine again in Tony Roma's.. Not sure if it is halal in Singapore.. but in KL.. its a "Yuk Makan Yuk!!"
Tony Roma's - Tony Roma's has been Famous for Ribs for more than 30 years. It all started back in 1972 in North Miami when Tony opened his first place with Baby Backs as the house specialty. (
Overall it was a nice experience dining at Tony Roma's. The ambience was just right for a place like Tony.. located next to Madam Kwan make it even more difficult for us to choose...I love Madam Kwan as well.. :) No doubt, I woul dine again in Tony Roma's.. Not sure if it is halal in Singapore.. but in KL.. its a "Yuk Makan Yuk!!"
Sunday, 17 April 2011
Trip to the Zoo..
16th April 2011
Zoo trip with Zizah
It was a beautiful Saturday morning.. weather was fine.. not too sunny.. perfect for a trip down to the Singapore Zoo. Tickets was fully sponsored by my beloved sis.. I have always thought that the zoo is a boring place.. but I was totally wrong about it.
Of all the animals in the zoo, I spent the longest time at the white tiger zone. Many crowd the area to see the white tiger, that once create a buzz in the front page of the news. Never knew the white tiger is so big.. Its even bigger than the lions.. Gosh.. now I sound like a small kid.. who just got back from the zoo..
Zoo trip with Zizah
It was a beautiful Saturday morning.. weather was fine.. not too sunny.. perfect for a trip down to the Singapore Zoo. Tickets was fully sponsored by my beloved sis.. I have always thought that the zoo is a boring place.. but I was totally wrong about it.
Of all the animals in the zoo, I spent the longest time at the white tiger zone. Many crowd the area to see the white tiger, that once create a buzz in the front page of the news. Never knew the white tiger is so big.. Its even bigger than the lions.. Gosh.. now I sound like a small kid.. who just got back from the zoo..
What fascinate me about these tigers was the size.. its like two times bigger than a normal tiger. Some say, these white tiger are abnormal. Whatever it is, it still looks like a tiger to me.. :)
The trip was Cool!! We managed to cover every part of it.. managed to see most of the animals there. (More pics will be uploaded soon.. )
Thursday, 14 April 2011
Prawn Aglio Olio
I have always love PASTA!! My favourite would be Prawn Aglio Olio from Pastamania, though I have tried many other pasta from other restaurants, this one from Pastamania just stands out in my taste bud. I just love the combination of prawn with aglio olio.. I love it better with penne unlike majority that votes for Linguine or spagetti.. My husband ever told me to learn to cook this dish rather we have to go out and search for Pastamania (which is only available at certain locations).. but to me , at that time, I just didnt see the reason too. The fact that Pastamania is available in it kinda walking distance for me.. unfortunately they arent available where I stayed now.. sadly..
So out with my "cooking gear-mood", I search for this aglio olio recipe.. Thanks to you are genius!! Everyone I asked before, all told me the same thing like.. "oh thats easy!" but I end up with nothing.. not even a recipe on it.. So thanks to Noobcook.. I love you!! Thank u for being my saviour to my prawn aglio olio cravings..
It was kinda easy.. but I am not leaving without saying how to.. google for there u will find many recipes full equipped with how to and what nots! Seriously encouraging!!
The first time I cooked this dish was just yesterday night for dinner. Cooked for just one dish for my dear hubby.. Thank God, he likes it.. Thanks Noobcook!!
(p/s: I have the picture in my phone.. will upload it soon..look out for it!!)
So out with my "cooking gear-mood", I search for this aglio olio recipe.. Thanks to you are genius!! Everyone I asked before, all told me the same thing like.. "oh thats easy!" but I end up with nothing.. not even a recipe on it.. So thanks to Noobcook.. I love you!! Thank u for being my saviour to my prawn aglio olio cravings..
It was kinda easy.. but I am not leaving without saying how to.. google for there u will find many recipes full equipped with how to and what nots! Seriously encouraging!!
The first time I cooked this dish was just yesterday night for dinner. Cooked for just one dish for my dear hubby.. Thank God, he likes it.. Thanks Noobcook!!
(p/s: I have the picture in my phone.. will upload it soon..look out for it!!)
Monday, 11 April 2011
When I can cook!
Seriously I cant believe what I am about to write.. well these are things that change after going through of one day of wedding.. yes.. my wedding, mind u and now its called Marriage.. Yes there are changes.. and one of the bigger changes I am going through now is.. Cooking!!
I was labelled as "Domestically Disabled" by my girlfriends.. They always say, when I cook, I'd burn the entire kitchen! Yeah right.. well gurls.. its time to eat back those words!!! lol.. I am so gonna savour this moment!!
I never really cook a dish way back then... most of the cooking is done by my beloved mom!! In short, I hardly cook.. and i kinda enjoy it that way.. why should I cook when I get it downstairs? Or perhaps walk a lil bit to get myself to the nearest food store.. or what do u call that place? was it Kopitiam.. oh hell.. ya something like that.. u know.
I recalled this movie, "Ratatouille" where they have this saying, "Anyone can cook!" hahahaha.. (I love that movie by the those food, even though cooked by a RAT!!)
It was an "auto" thingy for me... it feels good to see your hubby eating what u cooked for him.. be it if there is a compliment or not, it feels good to see him eat the food u cooked for him.. the feeling is just so satisfying.. well for a start, my first dish was Fried Rice.. ( Nasi Goreng Kampung/ Nasi Goreng Ikan Bilis ) served with hot nuggets as side dish.. and top it off with juice drink.. (any would do!! Thankfully..he didnt ask for any specific juice) Desserts would be definitely ICE CREAM!! I am still learning to do the frapped though..
Well its gonna be a long cooking journey for me.. and I am so ready to burn those throats who dare to say i'm domestically disabled!! Watcha!!!!
I was labelled as "Domestically Disabled" by my girlfriends.. They always say, when I cook, I'd burn the entire kitchen! Yeah right.. well gurls.. its time to eat back those words!!! lol.. I am so gonna savour this moment!!
I never really cook a dish way back then... most of the cooking is done by my beloved mom!! In short, I hardly cook.. and i kinda enjoy it that way.. why should I cook when I get it downstairs? Or perhaps walk a lil bit to get myself to the nearest food store.. or what do u call that place? was it Kopitiam.. oh hell.. ya something like that.. u know.
It was an "auto" thingy for me... it feels good to see your hubby eating what u cooked for him.. be it if there is a compliment or not, it feels good to see him eat the food u cooked for him.. the feeling is just so satisfying.. well for a start, my first dish was Fried Rice.. ( Nasi Goreng Kampung/ Nasi Goreng Ikan Bilis ) served with hot nuggets as side dish.. and top it off with juice drink.. (any would do!! Thankfully..he didnt ask for any specific juice) Desserts would be definitely ICE CREAM!! I am still learning to do the frapped though..
Well its gonna be a long cooking journey for me.. and I am so ready to burn those throats who dare to say i'm domestically disabled!! Watcha!!!!
MPH Warehouse Sale
MPH Warehouse Sale
MPH Warehouse Sale is here again..This time their sale event is located at Singapore Expo. To spice things up during the weekend, I decided to drag my hubby to this sale event.. well we wont know what kind of good finds we may catch there if we missed this sale event.
There was tons and tons of books at the sale fair.. Though there arent many people in the sale (well most of them were busy checking out John Little Sale), it was a breeze to look for a book.. Its like having a library in huge expo.. Noticed that there are some who would placed the books that they wanted in a box!! OMG!! Then again, the sale was rather cheap!! $8.00 and u can get any books from different sections. Prices ranging from $3.00 to $8.00 max!! Picked up this motivational book.. while hubby picked up few books on travelling.. His favourite destination: Turkey!! :)
I wasnt tempted to go for the John Little Sale.. mainly because there were too many stuffs under one brand sale. I can get myself lost in it.. Typically I would picked a lot of stuffs and when I saw the queue counter, I will only end up placing all those stuffs that I picked on the "Not Taken" bin!! Duhhh..waste of my time..
Sunday, 10 April 2011
Ok.. let see.. i wanna go Malay today.. Topik kali ini.. MATI!
Ada yang gerun kalao cakap pasal topik mati ni. Kalao kena orang Cina, katanya "Bad Luck" atau "Suay" (Dalam bahasa cina).. Kenapa mereka kata bad luck? Kenapa mereka takut pada mati? Sebab mereka takut kehilangan harta dunia! Yes.. takde jawapan lain.. itu sahaja jawapan nye.. mereka tak kenal alam barzakh.. mereka tidak percaya pada Kiamat.. malahan mereka penyembah berhala yang tak penah mengajar mereka tentang hukum dunia dan akhirat (macam mana tu eh? lol..) Jadi, kesian kan mereka?
Sepatutnya kita harus terima setiap yang hidup itu pasti MATI.. kerana kuasa nyawa itu datang dari yang Hak, Ya Rab.. Tuhan sekalian Alam yang menghidupkan dan juga mematikan. Nyawa ini sesungguh nya milikNya..dan dipinjamkan pada kita untuk mentaati perintahNya.. Lupa kah kita? Lupakah kita bahawa setiap nafas adalah nyawa setiap hambaNya? Lupakah kita bahawa Mati itu Pasti, dan Hidup itu InsyaAllah (dengan IzinNya) ?
Mukmin secara keseluruhannya percaya pada Mati.. tidak takut pada Mati kerana Mati itu hadiah dari Allah. Mari kita teliti cara kehidupan seorang mukimi yang percaya pada qadak & qadar Allah.
Jika seorang bayi kecil meninggal dunia diatas sebab-sebab tertentu,
kita kata, "Reda kan dia pergi, mungkin kalao dia hidup akan tersiksa dengan kekayaan dunia"
Jika seorang Muslim meninggal kerana sakit,
kita kata, " Tuhan lebih menyayangiNya..."
Dari sini, kita tahu bahawa orang-orang yang beragama Islam tidak takut pada Mati.
Hai orang-orang yang beriman, bertakwalah kepada Allah sebenar-benar takwa kepada-Nya; dan janganlah sekali-kali kamu mati melainkan dalam keadaan beragama Islam. (Ali Imron: 102)
Dengan itulah Allah menyifatkan para Nabi-Nya dan orang-orang shalihin dari hamba-hamba-Nya. Allah berfirman menceritakan tentang Nabi Yusuf putera Nabi Ya’qub dalam mengharapkan wafat di dalam Islam:
Engkaulah Pelindungku di dunia dan di akhirat, wafatkanlah aku dalam keadaan Islam dan gabungkanlah aku dengan orang-orang yang shalih. (Yusuf: 101)
Begitu pula Allah telah menceritakan tentang ahli sihir Fir’aun yang bertaubat dan beriman pada Allah, lalu Fir’aun mengancam mereka dengan siksaan.
Ya Tuhan kami, limpahkanlah kesabaran kepada kami dan wafatkanlah kami sebagai Muslim (berserah diri kepada Allah). (Al-A’raf: 126)
Kemudian Allah menceritakan pula tentang Nabi Ibrahim as dan Nabi Ya’qub as, yang keduanya
telah berwasiat kepada anak-cucunya agar mati dalam keadaan Islam.
Dan Ibrahim telah mewasiatkan ucapan itu kepada anak-anaknya, demikian pula Ya’qub. (Ibrahim berkata): “Hai anak-anakku! Sesungguhnya Allah telah memilih agama ini bagimu, maka janganlah kamu mati kecuali dalam memeluk agama Islam”. (Al-Baqarah: 132)
(Habib Abdullah Al-Haddad, An-Nashaihud Diniyah wa Washayal Imaniyah)
Dari itu, doa sebaik baik doa adalah Mati dalam Iman..
Mati itu Pasti & Hidup itu InsyaAllah
(Petikan dari Ramlee Awang Murshid)
Ada yang gerun kalao cakap pasal topik mati ni. Kalao kena orang Cina, katanya "Bad Luck" atau "Suay" (Dalam bahasa cina).. Kenapa mereka kata bad luck? Kenapa mereka takut pada mati? Sebab mereka takut kehilangan harta dunia! Yes.. takde jawapan lain.. itu sahaja jawapan nye.. mereka tak kenal alam barzakh.. mereka tidak percaya pada Kiamat.. malahan mereka penyembah berhala yang tak penah mengajar mereka tentang hukum dunia dan akhirat (macam mana tu eh? lol..) Jadi, kesian kan mereka?
Sepatutnya kita harus terima setiap yang hidup itu pasti MATI.. kerana kuasa nyawa itu datang dari yang Hak, Ya Rab.. Tuhan sekalian Alam yang menghidupkan dan juga mematikan. Nyawa ini sesungguh nya milikNya..dan dipinjamkan pada kita untuk mentaati perintahNya.. Lupa kah kita? Lupakah kita bahawa setiap nafas adalah nyawa setiap hambaNya? Lupakah kita bahawa Mati itu Pasti, dan Hidup itu InsyaAllah (dengan IzinNya) ?
Mukmin secara keseluruhannya percaya pada Mati.. tidak takut pada Mati kerana Mati itu hadiah dari Allah. Mari kita teliti cara kehidupan seorang mukimi yang percaya pada qadak & qadar Allah.
Jika seorang bayi kecil meninggal dunia diatas sebab-sebab tertentu,
kita kata, "Reda kan dia pergi, mungkin kalao dia hidup akan tersiksa dengan kekayaan dunia"
Jika seorang Muslim meninggal kerana sakit,
kita kata, " Tuhan lebih menyayangiNya..."
Dari sini, kita tahu bahawa orang-orang yang beragama Islam tidak takut pada Mati.
Hai orang-orang yang beriman, bertakwalah kepada Allah sebenar-benar takwa kepada-Nya; dan janganlah sekali-kali kamu mati melainkan dalam keadaan beragama Islam. (Ali Imron: 102)
Dengan itulah Allah menyifatkan para Nabi-Nya dan orang-orang shalihin dari hamba-hamba-Nya. Allah berfirman menceritakan tentang Nabi Yusuf putera Nabi Ya’qub dalam mengharapkan wafat di dalam Islam:
Engkaulah Pelindungku di dunia dan di akhirat, wafatkanlah aku dalam keadaan Islam dan gabungkanlah aku dengan orang-orang yang shalih. (Yusuf: 101)
Begitu pula Allah telah menceritakan tentang ahli sihir Fir’aun yang bertaubat dan beriman pada Allah, lalu Fir’aun mengancam mereka dengan siksaan.
Ya Tuhan kami, limpahkanlah kesabaran kepada kami dan wafatkanlah kami sebagai Muslim (berserah diri kepada Allah). (Al-A’raf: 126)
Kemudian Allah menceritakan pula tentang Nabi Ibrahim as dan Nabi Ya’qub as, yang keduanya
telah berwasiat kepada anak-cucunya agar mati dalam keadaan Islam.
Dan Ibrahim telah mewasiatkan ucapan itu kepada anak-anaknya, demikian pula Ya’qub. (Ibrahim berkata): “Hai anak-anakku! Sesungguhnya Allah telah memilih agama ini bagimu, maka janganlah kamu mati kecuali dalam memeluk agama Islam”. (Al-Baqarah: 132)
(Habib Abdullah Al-Haddad, An-Nashaihud Diniyah wa Washayal Imaniyah)
Dari itu, doa sebaik baik doa adalah Mati dalam Iman..
Mati itu Pasti & Hidup itu InsyaAllah
(Petikan dari Ramlee Awang Murshid)
Saturday, 9 April 2011
GAP shopping
My husband & I went GAP shopping last weekend.. wooooohoooooo!!! Unfortunately there isnt much of a choice for my dear hubby.. so it was shop shop for me.. got myself few tops and few pants.. LOve the Khakis.. they are so comfortable to be worn off on casual outfits. Thats the word.. COMFY!!
Yes..Look at this boy wearing clothes from GAP!! He looks pretty comfy in that outfit right?? Gosh!! Plus he is so adorable...

The shopping spree went like for about 3 hours max before hubby starts to show signs that he is gonna whines for his "Milo pit stop" (Another term for a drink / meal).. So managed to grab some stuffs and go.. GAP has been known to me for its quality in clothing line..Their designs are mostly back to basic..Some may find them "pricey" but its the quality of the clothes that u are paying for..
Pavilion @ KL
Pavilion KL
"At the heart of the trendy Bukit Bintang district lies the perfect reason to indulge in fashion, food and urban leisure. Experience the excitement of this 1.37 mil sq ft retail haven with 450 outlets offering the finest fashion and home furnishing to entertainment and culinary delights. Let the endless appeal of Malaysia's premier shopping destination awaken your senses the moment you arrive at its doorstep."
I used to love shopping in Suria KLCC until recently I discovered that there is more in Pavilion than Suria KLCC.. well I still love Suria KLCC mainly cause I love most of the dining place there.. Reason : well Suria KLCC has Chillis!!! Yeah!!! One thing that Pavilion do not have.. :)
My main hotspot in Suria KLCC is Chillis & Madam Kwan when comes to dining.. Food was savoured to every bit of satisfaction.. In Chillis for example, I could spent time chatting and chillaxing after I had my meal.. with its environment that allows smokers to smoke in the restaurant was heavenly for smokers.. (Well my hubby loves it the most!) They served pretty big portion of food which give me longer time to finish my food. Though we had to queue for like 20 mins to get our seats, we remained patience.. seriously! :)
Madam Kwan was another good dining place for me.. serving local delicacies, u can seriously have your quiet time or enjoy your food in peace cause its really peaceful.. The seating arrangement was arranged in such ways that u are not seated too close to one another.. Ambience was a winning factor when comes to this restaurant. Food was also excellent.
Well, thats that for KLCC.. I will write more about KLCC later on.. now its Pavilion time!!
What I love about Pavilion?
- Mainly I love the way I could see all my favourite under one roof. They have Coach, Parksons, Dorothy Perkins, Zara, Warehouse, Bally, Promod, Bobbi Brown, Nike and many more... I cant list down everything, can I?
- I could shop in peace in Pavilion.. I dont get too see ugly Singaporeans ( u know like those oversized aunties pushing their way when they see this word "Sale" in stores) People take their time to shop and they can leisurely walk through stores by stores..
- As much as Pavilion is a great shopping ground, it also caters a very good dining experience.. ok.. I know.. they have Madam Kwan in Pavilion.. so whats the diff? Well, the one in Pavilion does not have a strategic location.. It was placed right opposite of Food Republic, which can be noisy when comes to lunch time, dinner time or any part of the day.. They also have Tony Roma's, Sticky and many others.. Top floors is filled with some middle eastern cuisine.
What I hate about Pavilion?
Quite honestly, NONE! As of now I couldnt find any reason to comment on anything that I dislike about Pavilion..!! Awww.. too bad.. no nasty comments :p
Thursday, 7 April 2011
Russian Earl Grey Black Tea
Russian Earl Grey Black Tea - Lipton
I bought this box of Earl Grey few days ago and seriously I have no ideas on how tasty this tea will be...It was pretty much a gamble anyway.. My husband thinks I'm gonna flood the entire house with Tea.. well, basically I'm more of a tea-drinker.. never takes coffee.. not only it stains my teeth, I hate the smell of coffee lingering me and my clothes.. plus, coffee contains more caffeine contents compared to Tea.
Anyway I checked out this tea from Lipton and it turned out pretty nice.. I feel that its one of the better ones among Lipton series of tea, honestly. Its only $4++ per box and I really love the taste.. with a touch of lemon + bergamot, its no doubt I look forward to my afternoon tea!
Monday, 4 April 2011
The Pantry
Ok.. Pantry.. everyone, well generally those who are working in the office environment, surely knows what the pantry is for.. Need me to define? OK here goes...
"A pantry is a room where food, provisions or dishes are stored and served in an ancillary capacity to the kitchen. The derivation of the word is from the same source as the Old French term paneterie; that is from pain, the French form of the Latin panis for bread." -
Thats pantry.. Now I didnt see anywhere in that line that says Pantry is meant for people to shout out loud of their presence.. As annoying as it sound, I had to go through today during lunch.. Some people are just full of shit!! While others are sitting quietly eating their food, came a whole bunch of idiots walked in and start some "grocery market-scene" They speaked so loud that I wonder if they are born deaf-mute, that they cant and there is a need to shout when they communicate with each other.. The noise and the sight just disgust me.. To think that they are educated people and they behave like monkeys for that one hour break! And worst thing still, they are freaking old idiots.. who pays senior citizen rates I believed.. and some looked like they have kids that can tell them how to behave properly in a civilised manner.
Well, there I was having lunch quietly with my packed sandwich and reading up my book and seriously when these idiots walked in, they just turn off my reading button mode!
Gosh!!! That was unpleasant sight..
"A pantry is a room where food, provisions or dishes are stored and served in an ancillary capacity to the kitchen. The derivation of the word is from the same source as the Old French term paneterie; that is from pain, the French form of the Latin panis for bread." -
Thats pantry.. Now I didnt see anywhere in that line that says Pantry is meant for people to shout out loud of their presence.. As annoying as it sound, I had to go through today during lunch.. Some people are just full of shit!! While others are sitting quietly eating their food, came a whole bunch of idiots walked in and start some "grocery market-scene" They speaked so loud that I wonder if they are born deaf-mute, that they cant and there is a need to shout when they communicate with each other.. The noise and the sight just disgust me.. To think that they are educated people and they behave like monkeys for that one hour break! And worst thing still, they are freaking old idiots.. who pays senior citizen rates I believed.. and some looked like they have kids that can tell them how to behave properly in a civilised manner.
Well, there I was having lunch quietly with my packed sandwich and reading up my book and seriously when these idiots walked in, they just turn off my reading button mode!
Gosh!!! That was unpleasant sight..
Sunday, 3 April 2011
Rindu Qunci
Rindu Qunci
I missed my stay at Qunci Villa.. a beautiful villa located @ Kradangan, Lombok. Its the most beautiful place so far that I have been. And I have no regrets for not choosing Australia & miss the breathtaking view of coastal view of Australia.
I could still remember my last day there and I was at the reception signing off all the paperwork and returning the room key to the I was signing, the staff actually looked at me in the eyes and say, "Bisa ketemu lagi di Qunci?" and my immediate response was, "DEFINITELY!"
Friday, 1 April 2011
1st April!!
Yikessss!!! Its 1st April... Noooooo its not about April Fool.. Come on, dont be a child celebrating April Fool.. (which is mainly for you to fool around with..) Just that I couldnt believe its April already???? Gosh.. It feels like I just got married last weekend and 2 months fly so fast, as we entered mid year.. (soon to be) I just cant believe it.. Its April!!! Next will be May and the next thing you know.. Its GSS (Great Singapore Sale)
Time do fly very fast these days.. As the days passed by so fast, I wonder if people realised if the loss the left behind.. mainly time!! Yes.. Time!! The only thing u cant turn back to...
My schedule was kinda pack this April.. on top of that there are many birthday to come.. yippie!! I love birthdays!! Just makes me happy to see the one celebrating birthday smile when they opened up their presents.. Now to decide what to buy.. what to buy... what to buy???? Hmmm.. Double Hmmm...
Time do fly very fast these days.. As the days passed by so fast, I wonder if people realised if the loss the left behind.. mainly time!! Yes.. Time!! The only thing u cant turn back to...
My schedule was kinda pack this April.. on top of that there are many birthday to come.. yippie!! I love birthdays!! Just makes me happy to see the one celebrating birthday smile when they opened up their presents.. Now to decide what to buy.. what to buy... what to buy???? Hmmm.. Double Hmmm...
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